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Helloooo I've been gone for so long and I figured I'd finally upload bbb again. I just want to make a disclaimer that I wrote this fic when I was a sophomore in high school and now I'm a sophomore in college. I was a dumb kid and I just wanted to make a story that involved an autistic character because my brother is on the spectrum and I wanted him to have representation. While a gay bts fanfic isn't the best way I can include representation I do understand that this fic was a safe space for a lot of people as it was very loved. So, as much as I hate this fic, I'm re-uploading it.

Again, I was a very stupid kid when I wrote this and I am not on the spectrum (as far as I know) so there will be inaccuracies and parts that may seem offensive. please understand that I do not mean any harm at all and that is essentially why I deleted the fanfic in the first place. While my age is no excuse, I am owning up for anything that is offensive and problematic, believe me I know and I really hated this fic because of it. If there are any problems please feel free to reach out to me and I will try my best to sort it out. My twitter user is justanamenobod1. 

This is also (might) be uploaded to ao3 but I'm not 100% positive yet. I do know that if I ever do finish the remaster of this fic (How the mind works) I will upload it on ao3 exclusively. My ao3 handle is the same as my wattpad user. 

Finally, I do want to mention some trigger warnings before starting. Again, I mean no harm in the slightest and I completely understand if this piece of work upsets any of you in any way shape or form. I really wanted to finish the remaster and upload that only but I have read your messages and spam and you guys want the og so here it is. Anyways, here are the trigger warnings: 




-Excessive swearing

-bro idk this is a shit show I cant remember but I will edit this when I do. 

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