Chapter Forty Two: The end

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Jeongguk held the kola-like-Taehyung tightly as they made their way up the stairs. The sleepy teen was kissing his boyfriend's neck gently as he mumbled sweet and stuttered words. They finally got to their hotel room and Jeongguk gently placed the blue haired fairy on their shared bed and kissed his forehead before taking off his sticky suit. Taehyung whined as he tried to take his suit off as well but struggled until the elder finally helped him out of it.

Now they stood---well, Jeongguk stood, Taehyung was sitting but that not the point--- face to face in silence. The silence was not uncomfortable or awkward, it was pleasant and comforting. Jeongguk smiled before swooping down and kissing Taehyung for the nth time that night. The younger hummed and placed his hands around his boyfriend's neck and wrapping his legs around his waist. Jeongguk pushed Taehyung down until he was hovering on top of him.

No words were required, the knew what they were doing as they kissed and kissed each other. Their love was shared in their own secret ways in that hotel room that protected them from the heavy and cold rain. Jeongguk's lips trailed down to the younger's neck as he gently and slowly sucked until he met his collarbones. His fingers unbuttoned the white shirt the other wore and his mouth found its way to Taehyung's nipples. He played with the bud with his mouth as he rubbed the other. Taehyung's back arched and he bit on his sleeve to muffle his groans.

"Don't hide, love." Jeongguk said as he moved his hand away and kissed the boy's lips and cheeks. "Hyung wants to hear you, please."

"O-Okay." Taehyung whispered and the two kissed once more before Jeongguk went back to showering his chest with love. One of Taehyung's hands gripped the bedsheets around him while the other was tangled with a patch of raven hair that laid on the elder's head.

Taehyung whined shamelessly when he felt a sneaky hand unbutton his pants and slip between his thighs. He pulled at Jeongguk's hair tighter without realizing and Jeongguk let out a groan of his own. He caresses Tae's thighs and begins to kiss on his lover's body, savoring his sweet smell. Jeongguk slowly kisses down the other's body, gently sucking at times to add pleasure, and stops at the top of his pants.

He looks up at Tae, "Can I take them off?" He asks with pure care. Taehyung nods shyly and covers his face with his hands once more as he feels his pants slide off of him. Jeongguk gulps as he admires Taegging in all his glory before attacking his thighs. Taehyung let out a surprised moan and he moaned again when he felt the elder's hand cover his clothed member. He whines.

"What do you want, baby?" Jeonggguk asks but Taehyung was too embarrassed to answer. "Answer me, love."

"O-Off." He whispers. "I wa-want th-them of-off."

Jeongguk smiles and kissed his lips sweetly before gently wrapping his hand around his member and began to stroke the younger. Taehyung gasped at the sudden touch and Jeongguk kissed his jawline down to his neck as he starts going at a slightly faster pace. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck and grabs a handful of his hair as pleasure spreads throughout his body.

"Hy-Hyung." He moaned and Jeongguk feels himself growing as he hears the sounds his lover made.

Jeongguk goes faster and Tae starts to feel relentless, "Hy-Hyung." He repeats and Jeongguk smiles into Taehyung's skin. Soon after, Tae releases and hits Jeongguk stomach and they both watch as the cum leaks onto Jeongguk's fingertips.

As Taehyung tries to calm himself down from his climax, Jeongguk unzips his pants and his boxers to reveal his own member, he goes over to the nightstand and grabs a bottle of lube and a condom. What? Did you really expect that four horny teens (excluding Jimin and Ji-hyun for obvious reasons) wouldn't come prepared?

Jeongguk rubs some of the cold substance onto his fingers and looks over at Taehyung, "Do you trust me?" He asks and he nods.

"B-But," Taehyung interviens. "Sc-Scared."

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