Chapter Thirty Two: Protectiveness

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"Namjoon~." Jeongguk whined. "Can't you just tell me how he's doing? Please?"

"I can't tell you because I don't know myself." Namjoon groaned. "Taehyung doesn't even see anyone else besides Jin. He won't even leave his room."

Jeongguk sighed and rested his head onto his arms. The two were in Namjoon's classroom during lunch as they thought of ways to make Taehyung feel better. So far, they've got nothing.

"Hey guys." Yoongi said as they walked into the room and sat beside Jeongguk.

"Why aren't you at lunch?" Jeongguk questioned and Yoongi shrugged. "I didn't feel like listening to Hoseok complain about Jimin and Ji-Hyun. You guys still don't have a plan?"

The two shook their heads and Yoongi sighed. "Wait a minute!" Namjoon said and sat up straight with a smile. "What if we take him to an amusement park?"

"That won't bring back his confidence though." Jeongguk said. "Besides, the nearest park is two cities over."

"I'd like to see you think of something." Namjoon mumbled as he slumped into his chair with his arms crossed.

"Actually, I do." Yoongi said. "But it's gonna require a guitar 'n singing."

"Well I can't sing." Namjoon said. "Anything else."

"Not you, Mr. Kim." Yoongi said with a chuckle. "Jeongguk will."

"What?" Jeongguk asked. "Who said I can sing?"

"Oh come on. I've heard you in the shower when you sleep over." He said. "You can sing. Also, Remember our music assignment? We have to pick a song and sing it for the class. We can work in pairs or on our own. You can sing Taehyung a song about how you feel 'n play the guitar and I can play the piano."

"Well, do you have a song in mind?" Jeongguk asked and Yoongi nodded with a smirk. "I've got just the one."


"So everyone knows the plan, right?" Yoongi asked and the two others nodded. "Good. Lets just go over it. Namjoon, you'll convince Jin to let Taehyung come to school next Monday. Make sure he's there or else everything goes wrong. While you do that, me and Jeongguk will practice the song, which we will need to work on everyday since this is last minute."

"Wait, question." Namjoon asked. "Why Monday? Can't you guys do it sooner?"

"No, we can't. The project is due on Monday and we need to practice the song." Yoongi said. "Besides, Jeongguk hasn't even heard the song yet and we need to learn it on the guitar and piano."

Namjoon nodded and said. "Got it. I'll try talking to Jin after school. I can ask Ms. Min if you guys can use the music classroom so you can practice."

"Yes please." Jeongguk said and Namjoon nodded once more before walking out the classroom.

"We can start working on it free period if you'd like." Yoongi offered and Jeongguk nodded.

And so the day passed and the two started working on their song. They chose "All About Your Heart" by Mindy Gledhill and the first thing they did was memorize the lyrics to the love song. On Saturday, Jeongguk fully sang the song and now he just needed to learn it on the guitar. Yoongi had already started to work on the piano. The two had a sleepover both days of the weekend and worked on it nonstop. Even when Yoongi took a break, Jeongguk kept working. This song was his way of redemption and he needed to let Taehyung know just how much he loved him.

Jeongguk truly loved the younger with all his heart and soul. He loved every part of him, from his head to his toes. He loved his chocolate brown eyes, his black mullet, his long fingers, his baby cheeks. He loved how when Taehyung smiled, his mouth would form the cutest heart shape he has ever seen. His eyes would crinkle and the softest blush would appear on the apples of his cheeks. Jeongguk loved when Taehyung got flustered, he would flush a shade of red that would reach the tip of his ears. He would hide behind his hands and smile from the embarrassment. He would giggle to hide his shaky breath and avoid all eye contact with the elder boy. Jeongguk loved how Taehyung still had his baby fat on his stomach and he prays it never disappears. It's the cutest thing he's ever seen and all he wants to do is give it soft kisses that would make the younger laugh. He wanted to hold him and kiss him senseless. He wanted to hold his hand and take him anywhere he wanted. He wanted to make him laugh and to comfort him when he cried. He just wanted Taehyung and Taehyung only. No one else.

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