Chapter Twenty Three: House

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"Taehyung." Jeongguk said as he tried to pry Taehyung's grabby hands off his clothes. The latter whined and snuggled closer to the elder, burying his nose in the crook of his neck. "Baby, let go."

"Wh-Why?" The brunette whined. "I-It's com-comfy."

"Well, don't you wanna go play with Tigger and Gukkie?" Jeongguk reasoned but the younger one shook his head.

"Th-This Guk-Gukkie be-better." Taehyung mumbled against Jeongguk's soft, honey toned skin.

The elder chuckled and gave in as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. He rested his head on top of the younger's which was resting on his chest. Jeongguk sighed and kissed the top of Taehyung's hair before gently pushing him back so he could see the face that made his heart skip a beat. He gazed into his chocolaty brown eyes that had a sparkle whenever he looked at him. The small mole on his nose made Jeongguk melt and his blemish free skin made him swoon. Taehyung still had some baby fat that Jeongguk absolutely adored and baby pink lips he wanted to attack.

"You're so beautiful." He breathed out and the younger's cheeks turned rosey as he fiddled with the button of his t-shirt. Jeongguk kissed Taehyung's cheek and cradled his face in his hands. "So perfect."

"Gu-Gukkie." Taehyung stuttered and pouted, indicating he wanted another kiss.

Jeongguk smiled and took the hint and slowly moved down so their lips could connect. The younger one was a centimeter and Jeongguk could feel his breath on his lips. Taehyung had closed his eyes and his long dark eyelashes rested on his cheek as he eagerly awaited Jeongguk's soft pair of lips. Their lips touched and sparks flew once more. It was only a quick peck so no one would see since they were still in Taehyung's classroom.

They embraced once more after the kiss and Jeongguk asked, "Anything you wanna do, babe?"

Taehyung hummed in thought before jolting up with a playful gleam in his eyes. "H-Ho-House!" He said and pulled Jeongguk to his feet. "Pl-Play H-House!"

Jeongguk chuckled as he let himself be dragged to the little toy chest in the back of the classroom. The other students there were playing games of their own or eating since it was lunch time. The teachers would let them take out some toys during this time and treat it as a recess; a break from learning. The box was made of dark oak wood and had "gold" edges around and it looked similar to a treasure chest. Taehyung threw open the chest and practically leaped inside to look for what he needed. After rummaging through the costumes inside, he finally found the small pink apron and tiny suitcase to go with.

"Found them?" Jeongguk asked as he peered over Taehyung's shoulder. The brunette beamed and nodded as he held the objects in his hand.

The younger skipped over to a small table and plopped down in a chair before turning to Jeongguk. "H-He-Here!" He said and handed him the apron. "Yo-You're t-the mom-mommy!"

"Awe~." Jeongguk playfully whined and put on the accessory. "Why can't I be the daddy?"

"N-No!" Taehyung refused. "Th-That's ty-typical! M-Maybe next time?"

"Fine, fine." The elder said with a smile and kissed Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung smiled at the gesture and put on the fake mustache. He grinned and grabbed the suitcase before leaving the classroom. A teacher's aid was about to stop Taehyung but Jin tisked them away before they could reach his baby brother. He had his chin in his palm and elbow on his desk as he watched his favorite couple. A small smile formed on his lips as he saw Jeongguk struggle to tie the apron and Taehyung putting a tie too loose. He chuckled at them but covered his mouth before the sound could be heard. Jin watched as Taehyung cleared his throat and barge back in with his suitcase in hand and a fuzzy mustache on his upper lip.

Jin cooed when Taehyung called, "H-Honey! I-I'm ho-home!" and slammed the door behind him, making the other students jump at the loud bang.

Jeongguk, with a slight blush on his cheeks, replied with, "How was work?"

"G-Good!" Taehyung said with a giggle as he set his briefcase down beside him. "D-Di-Dinner?"

"Coming right up!" Jeongguk said and spun around. There was no kitchen set so he made use of some books and a water bottle. He faked cutting vegetables and seasoning soup before plopping the book in front of Taehyung. "Dinners served."

"Sm-Smells go-good!" He said in a deep voice and started eating.

The two giggled uncontrollably as they kept playing and Jeongguk watched the younger with adoration in his eyes. He didn't care about what he was doing since no one that socially mattered was here and he could just have fun with his baby.

Jeongguk adores the other students as well, don't get me wrong. Ever since he started helping Taehyung, he has gotten to know the other students as well. One student by the name of Yeona was plain adorable to him. She had Down syndrome and was the sweetest girl to ever walk the planet. She had short brown hair and stood at five feet. It was a bit tough for her to talk but that didn't stop her from trying to befriend Jeongguk.

At first Jeongguk was cold towards her and ignored her but she was persistent. Yeona would harass him until he paid attention to her. She would pull at his clothing and whine until he read her a story alongside Tae who joined in. Taehyung and Yeona got along fairly well and have only had one fight in their lifetime.

That fight was over Jeon Jeongguk himself. It was lunch and as a treat for the students who did well on their math quiz, they were watching a movie. It was just some random old movie and the students huddled around the large projector. The two both wanted to sit next to Jeongguk and fought over who got to be next to him. They argued and argued but Jeongguk just laughed as he found the scene just too cute.

The problem was solved and ended in Taehyung sitting on Jeongguk's lap while Yeona got to sit next to him and hold his hand. The little girl had had a piece of his heart ever since.

Another was a boy by the name of Jinwoo. He was a tall chubby guy who had slight autism and was the shyest big baby ever. He wasn't as shy as when Jeongguk first met Taehyung but the boy couldn't look him in the eye.

One day when Jeongguk was on his way out the door he saw two female students picking on Taehyung. They had the poor boy cornered and up against the wall as they laughed in his face and taunted him. Jeongguk was about to interfere but he stopped in his tracks when he saw Jinwoo running towards them.

Jinwoo had sprinted to the scene and almost tackled the two girls and pulled their ugly blonde hair. His normal shyness was gone once he saw his friend being bullied and attacked them. The fight ended with Jinwoo getting punched in the face but he held Taehyung's hand with a smile as they walked away.

He left Jeongguk gaping as he watched the two leave hand in hand and with a few bruises. Ever since, Jeongguk had always had a soft spot for Jinwoo and the boy would sometimes join in when Jeongguk read stories or played with stuffed animals.

The girls were later reported of course. No one hurts Jeongguk's baby and gets away with it. 

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