Chapter Eight: Ice Cream

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-Taehyung's FOCUS-

Jeongguk and Taehyung were sitting in the ice cream store "The Dreamy Creamy" with a cup of chocolate ice cream and a bottle of water. Taehyung got the chocolate, of course, while Jeongguk just got some water since he wasn't a big fan of sweets.

Jeongguk sighed for the nth time and wiped away the dripping chocolate on Taehyung chin. "Your so sloppy." He complained but Taehyung merely smiled. "You finished with your ice cream?" He asked.

Taehyung shook his head. "L-Little le-left."

Jeongguk nodded his head and took a sip out of his water. Awkward silence was between them since neither of them knew what to say. Well it was awkward for Jeongguk, Taehyung was just blissfully eating the remainder of his treat.

I didn't have ice cream for a while! Taehyung thought to himself as he swung his feet back and forth. When was the last time? Oh! It was with Jinnie and Namjoon Hyung! Taehyung remembered that evening and how Namjoon interrogated him for the picture he gave Jeongguk. When he told them he willingly gave it to him, they were a bit surprised.

"Why?" Jin asked but Taehyung just shrugged. "Did he make you give it to him?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I ma-made it f-for h-him."

He said and Jin and Namjoon exchanges looks.

"Are you guys friends now?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung stopped swinging his legs.

Were they friends? I mean, they've been hanging out (by hanging out I mean Jeongguk was forced to watch over him) for quite some time and they even skipped class together. Did that make them friends?

"Why don't you ask him tomorrow?"

He honestly forgot about that. He put his cup down and faced Jeongguk. "Gu-Gukkie?"

"Hm?" He responded, putting his bottle down.

"Ar-Are w-we fr-friends?" He questioned.

Jeongguk was taken back. Were they? This all started as a punishment after all. He was forced to look after the younger but now that he's gotten to know him, he wasn't that bad. He was quite annoying in the beginning but after a while, he warmed up to Taehyung.

"Yes." Jeongguk suddenly said and Taehyung's face lit up, box smile on full display.

"Re-Really?" He asked and Jeongguk chuckled but nodded.

Taehyung giggled and went back to his ice cream and thoughts. What else did we talk about?

"Wh-Why does Ji-Jinnie call you da-daddy?" Taehyung asked. Jin's face went red and Namjoons eyes went wide. The looked at each other than back at Taehyung.

"I don't call him that pumpkin." Jin lied but Taehyung shook his head.

"H-Heard y-you call him la-last ni-nig-night." He said and Jin looked like he wanted to throw himself out the window.

"Listen Tae," Namjoon said. "Don't call anyone that okay? And don't tell anyone about this, alright?"


"It's a secret, okay?" Namjoon reasoned. "And you only call someone who you love that, like me and Jinnie. And we don't want anyone to know that so they won't be jealous of us since we're together. You know how many people want Jinnie for themselves, you wouldn't want them to take him away?"

Love huh? Taehyung thought and looked up at Jeongguk who was playing with his phone. Do I love Jeonggukie? He got me the panda and ice cream. He kissed my boo boo and took me to the arcade. He smiled like a bunny and I love bunnies. Does that mean I love him?

If I call him that and he says it back, does that mean he loves me too?!

Taehyung decide to test his luck and put his spoon down. He cleared his throat and Jeongguk looked up at him, taking a sip out of his water.

-Jeongguk Focus-


Jungkook spit out his water all over the table, coughing as he tried to regain his breath.

"Excuse me?" He asked as he looked at an innocent Taehyung, who seemed to not understand the word that just left him mouth.

"I-It's wh-what Jin calls Na-Namjoonie." He plainly said and Jeongguk stared at him with wide eyes before bursting out into laughter.

"Tae!" He said between laughs. "You can't just call anyone that!" Jeongguk was full on crying as he kept looking at Taehyung's pout and innocent eyes.

"Wh-Why not?" He asked but Jeongguk just laughed harder, holding his sides.

"Just don't," He said and wiped his eyes. "Okay?"

Taehyung pouted but nodded. Jeongguk chuckled and ruffled his hair. "You finished?" He asked and Taehyung nodded once more. "Let's go then."


They pulled up to the school and met a frantic looking Jin and a pissed off Namjoon. The second Jeongguk stepped foot out of his car he was met with screams.

"JEON FUCKING JEONGGUK!" Namjoon yelled and lightly hit the student on the back of his head. He couldn't hit him that hard because, you know, he would get fired. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?"

"Tae baby!" Jin said and scooped up the aforementioned in his arms, pulling him into a tight hug. He held his shoulders and inspected him of any injury. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Would you calm down?" Jeongguk said. "I just took him to the arcade and got him some Ice cream. I didn't kidnap him."

"UH, YOU KINDA DID." Namjoon yelled.

"WELL HE'S BACK ISN'T HE?" Jeongguk yelled back.


"OH YEAH? WELL-" Jeongguk was abruptly cut off once soft cries reached his ears.

"Would you stop yelling?" Jin irritatedly said. "Your scaring him!"

Jin held the younger in his arms, rubbing soothing circles on his back. Taehyung buried his nose in his neck and softly cried, afraid of the sudden change in the tone of their voices.

"I'm sorry Tae." Jeongguk said, calming down. He walked over to the younger and rubbed his arm as an apology. Taehyung let go of Jin and threw himself at Jeongguk.

"Do-Don't y-ye-yell a-a-at Gu-Gukkie!" He said and protectively held the older. "H-He di-did no-nothing wr-wrong!"

"Tae-" Namjoon said, rubbing his temples. "You can't just skip school. That's wrong."

"I-It's i-is?" He asked and Namjoon nodded. "Bu-But it wa-was fun!"

"See!" Jeongguk said. "I didn't hurt him or force him to do anything!"

"You still shouldn't have-" Namjoon was cut off when Jin squeezed his shoulder.

"It's alright Joonie." He said.

"But Jin-"

"I said it's okay. Like Jeongguk said, Taes not hurt and he had fun. It's alright." Jin turned to Jeongguk and pointed a finger at him. "Don't you ever do that again! At least without me knowing! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Jeongguk's chuckled and nodded. "I'm sorry Jin."

Jin sighed and shook his head. "It's okay." He said and turned around to Taehyung. "Lets got Tae, we've got class."

Taehyung skipped to his older brother and held his hand as they went back into the school. Jeongguk was about slip away before Namjoon pulled him back.

"Oh no you don't." He said and dragged him back to the school. "You've got class."

"Can't I just jump off the building instead?" He asked and Namjoon thought for a second before he shook his head. "The fact that you considered it hurts."

"Oh shut up." 

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