Chapter Seventeen: Interruption

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"Gu-Gukkie?" Taehyung called once more and Jeongguk's eyes darkened at the nickname.

His hands started to slide up from his sides up to his chest. He grazed his thumb across one of his rose-bud nipples and eyes narrowed as he watched Taehyung whimper at the foreign touch. Jeongguk lowered his head to kiss the corner of Taehyung's mouth and his lips dropped down to his jaw and then to his neck.

Tae instinctively barred his neck and allowed Jeongguk to do whatever the hell he was doing. He was afraid; Jeongguk has never looked at him like that and it scared him. No one has ever touched him like that and it's making him shake. No one has ever kissed him like that and he closed his eyes shut.

Jeongguk started to leave open mouthed kisses down Taehyung's neck and he licked his collarbone. His hands slid down his body and grabbed at the muscle of his thighs, pulling them apart. Ignoring the hoodie that was still on Taehyung's body, his kisses dropped and scattered across his chest. Jeongguk's tongue swept above the band of Taehyung's shorts and brunette let out a gasp. Jeongguk looked up at him with lust filled eyes and gave his belly a small peck.

More. Jeongguk thought as he continued to explore Taehyung's body and the sounds he could make. I want more.

Jeongguk kissed the top of Taehyung's knee and trailed his mouth down to his thighs. His fingers were playing with the fabric of his shorts and his tongue swirled around his soft, milky skin. Taehyung moaned and hid his face behind his covered arms. Jeongguk noticed this and intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's and pulled his hands away. He held his large yet soft hands and pinned him to the bed. He looked at the state Taehyung was in. His cheeks were flushed red and ash brown hair tousled. His gray hoodie was riled all the way up and his sun kissed, baby-soft tummy and petite waist was in full view. His brown shorts were sagging a bit and it revealed the band of Taehyung's briefs with a small tent forming. His full lips parted and soft pants were escaping as he watched Jeongguk with hooded, chestnut eyes.

I want more. Jeongguk demanded as he pulled Taehyung up to his lap. I wanna see more, gimme more.

"Gu-Gukkie." Taehyung whispered as wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck. "Sc-Scared."

"Don't be." Jeongguk whispered back and kissed his collarbone. "I won't hurt you." He said as his lips were meer inches away from Taehyung's own. Just as their lips were about to meet, someone had kicked down the door and they jumped away from each other.

"WE'RE BACK!" Namjoon screamed, followed by Jin, and instantly swooped in to snatch Taehyung away from Jeongguk.

Only when Namjoon forcefully removed Tae away did Jeongguk realize what he had done- What he had almost done.

"Oh my god." He whispered to himself and held his head in his palms.

"Jeongguk?" Jin said as he sat down next to the younger. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk said and looked at Taehyung who was currently being interrogated by Namjoon. He cleared his throat. "Fine."

"So," Jin said and took off the striped scarf. "What did you guys do since the power was off?"

"Uh, nothing much." He said and closed his legs to hide the growing bulge. "Just stayed in bed all day. Yeah, in, uh, bed."

"Ah, that's nice." Jin said and went to pry Namjoon off of Taehyung. Once he succeeded, he scooped his baby brother in his arms. "Hey honey."

"Ji-Jinnie!" Taehyung said with a giggle and hugged his brother back.

"You guys came back early." Jeongguk said with a shaky voice.

"The roads cleared so we rushed home." Jin explained and pointed to Namjoon. "This drama queen said something felt wrong so we came running."

"Something did feel wrong!" Namjoon defended. "I felt like something bad was going to happen to Tae. You know my bad feelings are always right."

"Well he's okay, isn't he?" Jin said and Namjoon shrugged. "It was probably just indigestion."

"Whatever." He said and turned towards an uncomfortable Jeongguk. "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm- I'm fine." He said. He wanted nothing more than to go home and rip these painfully tight jeans off and get rid of his small (big) problem.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast?" Jin offered with Taehyung latched on his side. "It's the least we could do."

"Uh, no thanks." Jeongguk said and quickly headed towards the door. "I've got to go home. I don't want my mom to worry."

"Ah, okay." Jin said. "Wait a second, how are you going to get home? Your car is covered with snow."


"Why don't you stay Jeon?" Namjoon said, eyeing him down. "Eat something then I'll give you a ride home. In the meantime, why don't you take a shower?"


"Yeah." He said and pointed to the bathroom. "The waters are pretty loud so don't let that startle you."

"Oh!" Jeongguk said, catching on to what the elder was trying to say. "Yeah, shower sounds good. Do you mind if I use it?"

"Not at all!" Jin said and Jeongguk smiled as he wobbled over.

"Just don't make a mess!" Namjoon said with a wink and Jeongguk flipped him off before locking himself in.

-Namjoon Focus-

Damn horny brat. He better be thankful I didn't punch his dick in. Namjoon cursed the younger one as he helped Jin get the stove running.

"Hey, Tae?" Jin asked and the aforementioned hummed in response. "Did you fall or something?" Taehyung shook his head and Jin squatted over to get a better look at the wound. "You've got a bruise on your thigh."

"A bruise?" Namjoon asked and went over to inspect. "Where?"

"Here." Jin pointed out and Namjoon's face went red with anger.




dude. i want to tell on my younger self. u fucking virgin what were u writing.

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