Chapter Twenty-one: Forgiveness

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The bell rang the second Jeongguk stepped into the hallway meaning he couldn't run after Taehyung. He could have just skipped music if it wasn't for Mr. Wang grabbing his collar and dragging him to the lesson. So now he sits on one of the piano benches and watches the large hand on the clock move ever so slowly. Every passing minute Jeongguk becomes more and more guilty for snapping at the poor blonde. He really didn't mean to raise his voice, Hell, he didn't know what came over him.

He truly cares for the younger male and he hates himself for making the teen cry. Taehyung's soft and easily hurt so Jeongguk is internally beating himself up for ever allowing tears to fall down his blemish free cheeks. In all honesty, he wants so badly to run out of the music classroom and into Taehyung's own. He wants so dearly to scoop the kitten up in his arms and apologize profusely. For every kiss he denies he wants to double it on his forehead, nose, cheeks and triple it on his lips.

Why did he even deny the younger one in the first place? He's just scared to be perfectly blunt. Taehyung doesn't know much about love or the difference between "like" and "like". If he kissed him at that moment on the rooftop, it would mean nothing to him. It would be just like any other kiss he gave his hair or forehead. Kisses are a normal occurrence in Taehyung's life, it's his way to show affection. Jeongguk fears that if he took that kiss away from him, it would be meaningless and he would throw it around like any other one.

It's not like Jeongguk's in denial that he likes Taehyung, he really does as a matter of fact. He just said all of those things on impulse and on the spur of the moment. Now he was wallowing in self hatred and very much desires to throw that annoying slow ticking clock out the window. He yearns for time to speed up just a little so he could leave this godforsaken classroom. Music was always his favorite subject but right now he doesn't want to hear his classmates play some 1990's song on an instrument that wasn't anywhere near tuned.

"Alrighty class!" Miss. Min said ever so enthusiastically. "I have a project for you."

The class groaned and the teacher rolled her eyes as she passed out the requirement sheet for the aforementioned assignment. Jeongguk accepted the sheet and quickly scanned the paper and his eyes widened.

It read:

Alright class! This is a new project that I've never given you guys before so let's give it a try! Instead of working with instruments, you will use your voices. You will be assigned an emotion and will have to find a song (or write one if you'd like) and sing it.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Jeongguk has always been confident about his voice and has never doubted it once. He knows he can sing but he just doesn't like to do it in front of a mass crowd. He sighed and and held his head in his palms as he urged the clock to move the fuck faster.

His prayers get answered as the bell rang and the students nearly mobbed at the door, trying to escape. Jeongguk quickly stuffed his notebook in his bag and followed the sea of bodies out the door. He ran down the hall and finally reached the familiar door that had a rainbow and smiling sun pinned onto.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk called out once he entered the classroom. A few heads turned to his loud voice and rolled their eyes but Jeongguk ignored them. He saw the brunette playing with a stuffed animal while wearing a small frown on his face. The younger looked up and his frown deepened. He tried to make himself seem busy by reading but old habits die hard because he was holding the book upside down. Jeongguk couldn't help but smile as he sat down next to Taehyung on the multicolored carpet.

"Whatcha readin?" He asked as he peered over his shoulder and saw a picture of the three little pigs.

"R-Red Ri-Riding h-ho-hood." He mumbled and Jeongguk wanted so badly to wrap his arms around the smaller.

"Is it good?" He asked but Taehyung ignored him as he put down the book and picked up the tiger and bunny plushies. The younger one started playing with the toys while completely forgetting about Jeongguk's existence. The elder sighed and laid on his stomach so he could match Tae. "How are Gukkie and Tigger?" He asked, referring to the toys.

"T-They f-fighting." Taehyung whispered with sadness laced in his voice. "G-Guk-Gukkie doe-doesn't like T-Tigger an-anymore."

"I don't think that's true." Jeongguk said but Taehyung shook his head.

"Guk-Gukkie yelled at Tig-Tigger." He said and recreated their fight with the toys.

"I don't think he meant it." The ravenette said and pushed back a strand of hair from Taehyung's eyes. He took the bunny from his hand and had the toy hug the other. "Maybe he was just scared."

"Wh-Why was Guk-Gukkie scared?" Taehyung asked and faced the elder who shrugged.

"Maybe he thought Tigger didn't like Gukkie." He said.

"Bu-But T-Tigger does like Guk-Gukkie! A lot!" Taehyung retorted and Jeongguk smiled a small smile.

"Yeah but do you love me?" Jeongguk asked, dropping the names. "Like Jin and Namjoon?"

"Ye-Yes." Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk pulled him into a hug. Taehyung rested his head on his chest as his legs wrapped around his waist. Jeongguk held the boy in his lap with his hands on his hips. "Th-That's why-why I want-wanted a ki-kiss."

"If I kissed you, would you have only kissed me? If I kissed you, would you kiss anyone else? If I kissed you, I want you to be mine and mine only. I don't want you to hug anyone else besides me. Don't hold anyone else's hand besides mine. Don't kiss anyone besides me. Would you promise me that?"

Taehyung nodded shyly with a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks. He held his pinky out and wrapped it around Jeongguk's own. "Pin-Pinky promise."

Jeongguk smiled and kissed Taehyung's forehead and whispered. "You're so beautiful." Jeongguk thanked the lord at that moment for the bookshelf that hid them from the eyes of other students. He got lost in Taehyung's chocolaty brown eyes and inched closer so his lips could meet the younger's soft ones for a quick kiss. Taehyung hummed in approval and when Jeongguk pulled back he pouted for more. The elder looked down at the pouty kitten in his arms with adoration and couldn't help his smile from growing larger when the younger pulled at the string of his hoodie.

"What do you want, baby?" He teased and Taehyung whined.

"Ki-Kiss." He said and Jeongguk granted his wish. They're lips fit perfectly against each other like missing puzzle pieces. Taehyung's lips were soft and eager while Jeongguk's were rough but gentle.

At first Jeongguk didn't want to take it that far considering it was Taehyung's first kiss but the other thought otherwise. He grabbed at his collar and pulled him closer so Jeongguk couldn't refuse and pull away this time. Jeongguk gave in and gently bit Taehyung's bottom lip and the younger reacted with a gasp.

Their kisses were slow yet fast and their mouths moved together in perfect harmony. It didn't escalate to anything, after all, they were still in school where any of the teachers could catch them if they just looked behind the bookcase.

When they ran out of breath, they pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other. Taehyung closed his eyes and snuggled closer to the elder and Jeongguk accepted the hug by wrapping his arms around the younger. The elder rested his cheek on top of Taehyung's head and rocked them back and forth.

"I love you baby." Jeongguk said and kissed the top of Taehyung's hair.

"I lo-love yo-you to-too." Taehyung whispered and dug his nose deep in the crook of Jeongguk's neck.

They were so caught up in one another that they didn't notice Jin who had his phone out. He was taking a picture of the two all the while giggling that his ship came true. 

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