Chapter Four: The Dreamy Creamy

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Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung were sitting at a round little table by the window in an Ice Cream shop. The shop was filled with pastel and cream colors making it look like a unicorn threw up in there. On the outside, there was a big ice cream cone with a scoop of pink ice cream. The store itself was called "The Dreamy Creamy" and the chairs they were sitting on were shaped like clouds. In one corner of the room there was a sun shining down at them with sunglasses and a big toothy smile. It didn't give actual light but the color was so bright it almost seemed like it.

The shops flavors had everything you could imagine, from rocky road to blue moon. Even with all the exciting flavors, Taehyung would always order a simple chocolate with some gummy bears on the side. Jin and Namjoon shared a cup of cookies and cream with rainbow sprinkles on top. Taehyung was halfway done with his cup and had chocolate smeared all over his lips and chin. He was swinging his legs and smiling back at the sun with his boxy smile.

"Hey, uh, champ?" Namjoon asked but Taehyung didn't hear. He was having a battle with the sun to see who would stop smiling first. "Taehyung?"

"Baby." Jin said and Taehyung snapped back to reality. "Namjoon was talking to you." He turned his attention to the adult and Jin took a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"Is Jeongguk being nice to you?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded.

"g-ggu-ggukkie's nice!" He said and took another bite of his ice cream.

"Ggukkie?" Namjoon repeated and glanced at his boyfriend.

"Jeongguk." Jin clarified and Namjoon nodded his head.

"Why did you give him that picture?" He asked and Jin set his spoon down, wondering the same thing.

"He a-asked me t-to." Taehyung answered.

"Why?" Jin asked but Taehyung just shrugged. "Did he make you give it to him?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I ma-made it f-for h-him."

He said and Jin and Namjoon exchanges looks.

"Are you guys friends now?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung stopped swinging his legs.

"I-I-I..." he stuttered not quite knowing the answer. He never really had many friends beside Jin and Namjoon. There was Jimin but he hadn't seen him around lately because he was so caught up in his grades. He shrugged and Jin gave him a warm smile.

"Why don't you ask him tomorrow?" Jin offered and Taehyung nodded and went back to his ice cream.

"Well-" Namjoon was about to ask another question but Jin elbowed him. "What?"

"No more questions." He said and took another bite of their shared ice cream.

"Why?" He asked.

"Let the poor boy eat his treat!" He scolded. "Or else you won't be getting your treat."

Namjoon smirked and threw an arm around the back of Jins chair. "And what's my treat?"

"The ice cream of course." Jin said as a matter of fact. "What else?"

"I just thought you'd give me something else." Namjoon said and inched closer to Jin. The aforementioned turned red and playfully shoved him. "Oh come on baby boy, what's dad-"

"Namjoon!" Jin warned and motioned towards Taehyung who was innocently watching the scene with big doe eyes.

"Na-Namj-Namjoon?" Taehyung asked and the aforementioned warily looked at him.

"Y-Yes?" He nervously asked.

"W-Why does Ji-Jinnie call you da-daddy?" Taehyung asked. Jin's face went red and Namjoons eyes went wide. The looked at each other than back at Taehyung.

"I don't call him that pumpkin." Jin lied but Taehyung shook his head.

"H-Heard y-you call him la-last ni-nig-night." He said and Jin looked like he wanted to throw himself out the window.

"Listen Tae," Namjoon said. "Don't call anyone that okay? And don't tell anyone about this, alright?"


"It's a secret, okay?" Namjoon reasoned. "And you only call someone who you love that, like me and Jinnie. And we don't want anyone to know that so they won't be jealous of us since we're together. You know how many people want Jinnie for themselves, you wouldn't want them to take him away?"

Taehyung shook his head and Namjoon smiled his dimple smile. He turned to Jin who was glaring at him.

"What?" He asked but Jin only sighed and went back to his cup of finished ice cream.

"You'll definitely not get your treats." Jin said and Namjoon pouted.

"But Jinnie!" He whined.

"Nope! None for you." 


Authors note:


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