Chapter Thirty Nine: Amends

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Today was a shitty day for Min Yoongi.

Well, everyday is a terrible day but today was just awful. First off, they woke up on the wrong side of the bed, literally. Their little sister had decided to pull a little prank on them and turn the volume of their alarm clock all the way up so that when it went off, it would break their eardrums. All they wanted was their full night of sleep but instead they were scared half to death and fell off their bed and onto the cold, hard floor. Since their family was struggling with money, their heater wasn't turned on and the floor was literally freezing.

They groggily dragged themselves up and cursed under their breath as they made their way to the shower. Again, no money meant that not much was working so they had to take a cold shower. They groaned as they rubbed their aching head with a towel and sniffled as they picked out an outfit for the day.

Yoongi was glad it was spring vacation because they would have rather jumped off the roof than went to school that Tuesday morning. Although, that didn't mean they could just stay in bed all day because their mother had a list of errands for them the second they walked into the kitchen. They were all out of eggs and the last bit of cereal was being gobbled up by their sister, Hana. She smiled with a mouth full of milk.

"Mornin' Yoonie!" She finally said. Hana jumped from her chair and into her big sibling's arms.

"Hey, beautiful." Yoongi said as they kissed the top of her head. "Are you excited to go to your dance class?"

"Yep!" She said as she skipped to the living room. "I can't wait to show them how awesome I am!"

"They'll be blown away when they see you dance." They said with a smile. "Go get 'em and show them who's boss."

"I will!" She promised with a grin.

"Yoongi?" Their mother called with their baby brother on her hip. "Can you please take him, I've got to go get ready."

"Ready for what?" They asked as they took little two year old Wonho.

"Job interview." She said as she hurried around the house. "It's the only job who will hire this week."

"Mom, you don't need another job. I've got one and you don't need to overwork yourself." Yoongi said. "Remember what happened last time?"

"I know, but I'll be careful this time. Promise!" She said and was about to leave when she remembered. "Can you take Hana-"

"Already got my keys."

"And watch Won-"

"Was planning to."

The elder woman sighed before she kissed her eldest's cheek. "I'll be back soon."


It was a struggle to strap in an over hyper little girl in her car seat but to have a two year old in Yoongi's arms was impossible. It was only when they were on the road did they finally calm down. Although, Hana demanded to play the shark song and since they were a sucker for her baby doll eyes, it was on repeat. Wonho was in the back laughing at the funny faces his elder sister was making and chewing on his fingers since he only had some milk for breakfast. Yoongi pulled up to the parking lot and Hana nearly jumped through the window.

"Come on Yoonie! We're gonna be late!" She whined as her elder sibling took their time getting out of the car.

"We're not late, Hana." He said. "We're five minutes early."

She grumbled as she held onto her elder sibling's hand and crossed the road.


Once Yoongi ensured that their little sister was safe and dropped their baby brother in daycare, they went off to work. They worked at a supermarket that they hate but it helped their family out so they didn't complain. What they did complain about was the traffic that ended in them being late and reprimanded by their manager.

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