Chapter Thirty Four: Misunderstanding

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"Yoongi!" A voice called causing the aforementioned to stop in their steps. "Wait up!"

"What do you want, Jimin?" They asked and the younger one caught his breath before speaking again.

"I just wanted to say that you did a great job today. I loved your piano playing." He said and Yoongi nodded.


"What's wrong?" Jimin asked and Yoongi shook their head.

"Nothing important."

"C'mon, you can tell me." He said but Yoongi shook their head again. "Is it about Hoseok?"

"How did you-" They said and shook their head for the third time. "Never mind. Why do you care?"

"Well, you're my friend and I can tell that you're upset." Jimin said. "I know that you like Hoseok, so don't deny it. I'm sorry that I led him on."

"Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong." Yoongi said. "It's his fault, don't blame yourself. You were just being friendly. And I think that the obvious flirting you do with Ji-Hyun should have given it away. Hoseok's just blind."

Jimin giggled with a soft blush on his cheeks and the two started walking side by side down the hall. Jimin had his books in his hands and Yoongi had their backpack on their shoulder. The elder had a small smile on their face as the two kept talking and they found out that they actually had a lot in common. They both like music, manga, and sports. Surprisingly, Jimin could play soccer very well and Yoongi was the same with basketball. They compared the two sports and laughed at the dumb jokes they told. The school day ended twenty minutes ago but they found themselves in the cafeteria still talking. Yoongi realized what a great friend Jimin could be— would be and they should have seen it sooner. Their jealousy had clouded their judgment and almost missed a chance to have a great friend. They talked for almost an hour and exchanged phone numbers before they decided it was time to head their separate ways.

"See you tomorrow?" Jimin asked and the elder nodded with a smile. Jimin returned an eye crinkled smile as well before taking out his phone. "Can we exchange phone numbers?"

"Sure." Yoongi said and the deed was done. They put his phone back in their black jean pocket and were about to walk away when Jimin stopped them.

"One more thing." He said. "You should tell Hoseok how you feel. You're a great person so I can't see why he wouldn't like you."

"Oh yeah?" Yoongi said. "And what do you want me to do? I've known him since we were kids and he sees me as a younger brother even though I'm older. I can't just say it in the middle of lunch. What do you expect me to do?"

Jimin put a hand on the elder's shoulder and reached forward to place a kiss on Yoongi's cheek before saying, "That, you scaredy cat. Grow some balls, will you?" Jimin waved him goodbye as he jogged out of the room and left Yoongi blushing by the water fountain.

"I can't do that." They mumbled and rested their chin on their arms. "He'll hate me."

Little did he know that Hoseok was outside, watching the two talk from his football practice. Only he didn't hear anything. All he saw was the exchange of numbers and the kiss. And he fixated on the fact that Yoongi blushed after it.


"Pl-Please~?" Taehyung whined. "Gu-Gukkie~"

"Alright! Alright!" Jeongguk said and put his hands up in the air. Taehyung grinned and ran back upstairs to Jeongguk's bedroom and the elder sighed and followed the younger up the steps. The boy was laying on his bed with his feet in the air and his chin in his palms with a boxy grin on his face. "Can't we do this later?"

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