Chapter Thirty One: Anger

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Taehyung's Focus

It had been three days since Taehyung had been in school. After he saw what had happened between his boyfriend and boyfriend's "friend", he was devastated. He refused to leave the comfort of his bed and Jin could barely get him to eat. It tore him up to see his baby brother so depressed and he didn't know how to help him.

Taehyung refused to even talk to anyone, including Namjoon and Jimin, his best friend. Jimin had come over to try and comfort Taehyung but the younger boy wouldn't even look him in the eye let alone tell him what was wrong. He tried everything. He tried playing Taehyung's favorite movie, The Lion King, but he didn't focus on the screen. He tried painting, something Taehyung enjoyed, but he wouldn't touch the paint. He tried his chances with his bunny plushie; Taehyung's favorite toy but he threw it across the room. Taehyung deemed the toy too old to play with and was about to throw it away if Namjoon hadn't stopped him. Namjoon had no idea what was wrong with his soon to be brother in law. Taehyung refused to open his mouth about the situation. Even when the elder used ice cream as a bribe, not a single word left his lips.

Taehyung would cry himself to sleep and then pretend he had never done so. When Jin offered to call Jeongguk for a playdate, the brunette locked himself in the bathroom and sobbed. He said he didn't want to see the boy he was attached to the hip with. It was like trying to get Taehyung to go see someone new. He acted as if Jeongguk was a stranger and he was so terrified of people he has never met before.

You see, Taehyung's disorder is a major factor of his social anxiety. He cannot meet someone new without throwing up or breaking down into tears but that only happens if Jin nor Namjoon were with him. As long as he had someone he was comfortable with by his side, he'd only be very reluctant. His fear was mainly directed towards adults and large crowds so he didn't have as much as a hard time with people his age. He still didn't like them though.

It was the fourth day of Taehyung not going to school that Namjoon had decided that enough was enough and that he had to do something.


Jeongguk's Focus

It was lunch time and Taehyung still hadn't come to school. Since he hadn't showed up for the fourth time, Jeongguk sat on his own lunch table. It mainly consisted of Jeongguk, Hoseok, and Yoongi but because of Hoseok's Interest in Jimin, he was also present. Ji-Hyun also sits there now. After the two made up, Jeongguk invited Ji-Hyun to sit with them at lunch and has done so ever since. Ji-Hyun was a little worried that the rest of them (Yoongi and Hoseok) wouldn't like him. His suspicions were wrong because he fit right in and they genuinely seemed to like the blonde.

Jimin liked him especially. Ji-Hyun was very kind to him and treated him like a normal person. Yes Hoseok was also kind but all he would do was flirt and it was flattering and cute but he wasn't quite interested. Jimin could see that someone else liked him though and it was painfully obvious. Yoongi didn't even try to hide their stares nor the annoyance or hatred directed towards Jimin. Jimin understood why though so he never let it get to him but Hoseok never seemed to notice. Jimin didn't want to be one of the reasons Yoongi didn't confess to him and he really wanted the two to end up together. He tried not to flirt back but his natural state of being is him being a blushing and stuttering mess so the message must have been misinterpreted. Jeongguk was also nice to Jimin but the two didn't really talk much. If Taehyung or school wasn't their topic, they wouldn't even have a conversation. Ji-Hyun and Jimin clicked right away and the two would have their own conversations and forget about the other three sitting there.

"Where's Ji-Hyun?" Jimin whined and Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "He's late."

"I don't know!" Jeongguk said irritatedly. "He's probably coming in late. Where's Taehyung?"

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