Chapter Three: Detention

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"And where do you think you're going Jeongguk?" Namjoon asked and pulled him backward by the back of his collar. Jeongguk was a mere second from walking out of school and into the arms of freedom when Namjoon stopped him in his tracks. "You didn't forget about detention, did you?"

"Of course not!" Jeongguk said with fake enthusiasm. He was planning to go spend the afternoon with Yoongi and Hoseok by the river and vandalize the bridge with spray paint. But his plans were foiled and now he was being dragged back to the classroom for the second time today.

He sighed and opened the door. For the first time he noticed that there were four other students there, and they were not part of the class. His face lit up when he noticed that two of them were Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Jeongguk!" Hoseok beamed and threw an arm over his shoulder. "Guess this will be a bit more tolerable."

Jeongguk nodded and Jeongguk walked up to him and threw a mop at him. "Get to work." He says nonchalantly and Jeongguk scowled at him. He did as he was told, often times whacking either Hoseok or Yoongi with his mop. The other two students didn't even look at the three, mostly because they were scared that they would beat them to a pulp if they did. Again, they didn't have the best reputation. The door flew open after about ten minutes after and Taehyung walked in. One of his hands clutched at one of his backpack straps and the other at Jin's hand.

"Oh hey Jeongguk!" Jin waved and Jeongguk waved back. He got a weird look from Hoseok and Yoongi but Jeongguk just shrugged. "Are you helping out as well?"

"Uh, yeah." Jeongguk lied and Jin smiled at him.

"Do you mind watching Tae? I have to go find Namjoon." He asked and clicked his tongue. "The idiot always forgets his papers."

Jeongguk slightly laughed at this. He didn't try to keep his bad boy status up around Jin and he didn't know why. For some reason he never felt like acting rude or bad in front of him. He had a motherly aura around him and in all honesty he didn't want to make a bad impression. Jin was sweet and kind and he didn't find a reason to act hostile towards the older unlike how he acts with all the other teachers, Namjoon included.

Jin also laughed and handed Jeongguk Taehyung's red backpack. "I'll be back, in like, ten or thirty minutes. Depends on where he is."

Jeongguk nodded and waved him off. "Don't have too much fun!" He teased and Jin turned around with red cheeks and a glare directed directly at him. He chuckled and looked down at the slightly shorter Taehyung, who was quiet as usual.

"Yo, Jeongguk." Yoongi said leaning on the stick of their mop. "Who's that?"

"Oh him?" Jeongguk says pointing to Tae who was now sitting down on one of the chairs and swinging his feet. "That's Taehyung, the kid I'm supposed to watch as a punishment."

"The one in the special class?" Hoseok asked and Jeongguk nodded before going back to wiping one of the desks.

Suddenly the two other students in the room caught interest in little Tae who was staring at a blank wall, thinking about all his plushies that littered his bed and how lonely they must be. One of them poked Taehyung in the back of his head with his ring finger. "What's wrong with him?" He asked, daring to look up at Jeongguk who just shrugged.

"I'm not so sure." He said plainly. "He kinda acts like a little kid but I don't really know his disorder."

The kid nodded and the second student came up to Taehyung. He waved his hand in front of his face and snapped Tae out of his daze.

"Hey." The kid said but the only thing Taehyung did was give a small nod. "You know it's rude not to greet someone." He scoffed but again Taehyung ignored him and just stared at his fingers. "Hey!"

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