Chapter 1: Purple

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"What is it this time?" Jeongguk asked as he plopped in the red uncomfortable chair that was placed in the principal's office. He squirmed in his seat and the principal fixed his glasses, rubbing his nose out of frustration in the process. He stared at the delinquent before him with exhausted eyes and fond distaste as the teenager glared at him with his arms crossed, not a care in the world.

"You know what you did, Jeongguk." The principal said with exasperation and was clearly annoyed with the student's behavior. He sighed and started to ruffle through the stack of papers in front of him.

"Do I?" Jeongguk smirked knowing all too well what he did to wind up once again in the office. He'd like to think that his day wasn't over if he didn't visit his favorite staff member at least once, maybe twice if he's feeling generous. He's been there so often that he memorized the principal's coffee order and took to making one in advance for the older man before coming in. The older man's threats have begun to glide off of him like water, no amount of detention has phased him anymore and Jeongguk likes an excuse to be out of class every once in a while.

"Don't play dumb." The principal snapped lightly, glaring at the boy. Jeongguk shrugged and laid back in his seat as he watched the man take out his records. "This is the last straw." The teenager rolled his eyes. He would always say that but they would never act on his words. It was just an empty threat. "Jeongguk," The man starts with a sigh and the teenager can't help but smile. "You've been caught smoking in the bathrooms, skipping school, you've gotten into numerous fights with other students and now you vandalize school property?"

"I call that art Mr. Wang." Jeongguk stated nonchalantly.

"Spray painting 'suck my ass' over the school gate is not art Mr. Jeon." He said, narrowing his eyes. He took off his reading glasses and placed them on the desk. "This is your final warning."

"Hmhmm." Jeongguk said, throwing his arm around the edge of the chair. "You say this every time Mr. Wang. I'm starting to think you get lonely without me."

"Okay." He replied. "Let's do something about it this time then." Jeongguk's grin only grew. He knew the man wouldn't do much. He would probably get a slap on the wrist or a suspension, which he would not mind at all. What can they do? His mother was the school's director so he always managed to dodge the punishments. "You're expelled, Jeongguk."

"Excuse me?" Jeongguk scoffed and crossed his arms. "You can't do that, I don't think my mother would be very fond of hearing that."

"That's right, which is why you'll be the one to tell her." He said and motioned the phone towards him.

Jeongguk sat there, arms crossed and glaring at the man in front of him, for five minutes, Daring him to give in and call his own bluff. The older man just returned his deadpanned stare with a blank face. The teen groaned before he gave in. "Fine."

"Hm?" The principal smirked knowing he won this fight. "Fine what?"
"I'll do whatever community service you have in store." Jeongguk sighed and let his arms fall to his sides. "Just don't expel me." While his mother was a sweetheart and angel that has blessed the earth and loves her son with her huge heart, it was his father he was scared about. His father would go on business trips almost all the time but lately he took some time off. Something about "wanting to spend some time with his family" bullshit. In reality, his father had enough of the constant complaints he would get from his school when he was abroad, so he came home so the next time he got a call he would be there to actually punish him. His mother was always lenient with him and didn't believe in punishing children. His father though, was all for it.

The principal nodded his head and pulled out a file. "I want you to help this class-"

"I don't think you've noticed but my grades aren't that great." Jeongguk interrupted, earning an annoyed look from the authority figure. He raised his hands in the air defensively and the man continued.

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