Chapter Twenty: Rejection

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"A what?" Jeongguk questioned as Taehyung fiddled with the loose string of his sweater.

"A ki-kiss." He whispered.

"Why?" The elder asked but Taehyung just shrugged.

"Nam-Namjoon a-and Ji-Jin do i-it." He reasoned but Jeongguk just shook his head.

"Baby, they do that because they love each other." Jeongguk explained with a soft smile. "You only kiss someone you love. You can't just do it with a friend."

"Guk-Gukkie doe-doesn't lo-love m-m-me?" Taehyung said with a hurt expression and the elder painicked.

"Of course I do!" Jeongguk said and cupped his cheek. "It's just-"

"Th-Then k-kiss." He said with a determined look and grabbed the collar of the elder boy's hoodie.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk said and tried to pry his hands from his clothes. "I don't think so baby."

"Pl-Plea-Please?" Taehyung whispered with puppy dog eyes and the ravenette sighed.

"No, Taehyung." Jeongguk sternly stated and gently pushed the younger off his lap.

"Bu-But wh-why?" The brunette asked.

"Because I said so."

"P-Pretty please?"



"I don't want to."


"Taehyung that's enough!" Jeongguk snapped and the younger quickly shut his mouth. "I'm not gonna kiss you, alright? So stop whining. You only kiss someone you like and I don't like you. Seriously, it's getting annoying."

Awkward silence came between them and Jeongguk regretted ever even opening his mouth. Not a word was spoken between the two and not a sound was heard. Jeongguk was about to apologize when he heard sniffles coming from the younger's direction. He quickly turned towards the sound and saw Taehyung aggressively wiping his tears away with a balled up fist. His head was down and long brown banges covered his eyes but Jeongguk could still distinguish his wet cheeks and small hiccups.

"Taehyung." Jeongguk started with the intent of apologizing. "I'm so-"

"Taehyung?" Namjoon called as he opened the rooftop door. "There you are! Are you feeling better now?" Taehyung nodded without lifting his eyes up and Namjoon smiled. "Come on buddy, Jins gonna come back any second now." The hurt child got up from his spot on the cement and, with his head down, walked swiftly past Namjoon and down the stairs. The elder didn't think anything of it and followed the crying teen.

"Fuck." Jeongguk whispered out and gripped the top of his head. "What did I just do?"

"Something extremely stupid." A voice said from behind him.

"Yoongi?" Jeongguk asked as the elder hopped down from where they were sitting. "Were you there the whole time?"

"Yep, skipping history. I heard every word and might I say, you're a fucking idiot." They said and plopped down next to Jeongguk and handed him a cigarette.

"Well what should have I done?" Jeongguk complained and lit his cigarette.

"Kissed him." They said bluntly and took a smoke of the cancer causing chemicals. Yoongi nudged him and rolled his eyes. "I mean, come on. Even a blind old man can see you care for him."

"Exactly, I care for him." Jeongguk emphasized. "I don't like him like that."

Yoongi chuckled at his ridiculous statement and Jeongguk glared at them. "You don't like him like that? Are you serious? Dude, you kiss his cheeks and forehead every chance you get. You call him pet names and legit broke someone's arm because they pushed Taehyung. You cuddle and hold him every time your arms are free. The second you see him cry, you drop everything and scoop him up. He's the only person you've ever let cling onto you, you wouldn't even hold your previous girlfriend's hands let alone let them jump on your back because 'they're legs hurt'." Yoongi pauses and takes another smoke of his cigarette while Jeongguk remains silent the entire time. "Remember that one time Taehyung wanted some ice cream? You drove across town just to get him some rocky road only for him to whine and throw it away. The fact that you didn't even get mad at him baffled me. You didn't glare, didn't raise your voice, nothing. All you did was pinch his cheek and apologize. If me or Hoseok did that to you, you'd throw us in the trash as well. The way you look at him, it's like he's the most beautiful thing in the world, like he laid out all the stars in the sky. You're so careful around him, like he'll break if you touch him the wrong way."

"It's because he's fragile." Jeongguk mumbled. "He's so precious, I can't stand it if he's sad."

Yoongi hummed. "I know, you once complained to me and Hoseok for an hour because Taehyung was in a grumpy mood. Saying how 'he's too sweet to be unhappy, too beautiful to wear a frown'." Yoongi chuckled. "Yeah you don't like him. Bullshit. That's like me saying I don't like Hoseok."

"You like Hoseok?"

"Beside the point." Yoongi said and cleared their throat. "I think you should go and apologize. Doesn't have to be with a kiss, just hug him or something. Say sorry for being an asshole and yelling at the poor kid."


"Not buts. You don't want to lose someone like Taehyung, right?" Yoongi asked and Jeongguk quickly shook his head. "That's what I thought. I've never seen you so happy around anyone else and if you want to stay happy, go make up with Tae."

Jeongguk sighed but nodded his head. "I will."

"Good." They said and stood up. "He's a sweet kid so don't fuck this up. Be glad I don't hit you on the side of your head for making him cry."

"Has Yoongi gone soft?" Jeongguk teased.

"Only for Tae." They said with a gummy smile.

"And Hoseok." Yoongi kicked him in the shins. 

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