Chapter Five: Tigger and Gukkie

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Two weeks have passed and Jeongguk still comes to the classroom when he's supposed to. He tries to skip out on it every now and then but it's become less frequent. He's still pretty cold towards Taehyung but they have their moments here and there.

Like just last week,

Taehyung was on the rug playing with some blocks when another student of the same class knocked it down by accident. The student didn't know what to do, he didn't mean to make Taehyung cry. It was just an accident, so the student started to bawl as well. In a matter of seconds two teenagers were sobbing over some fallen legos. The teachers tried to calm them down but nothing worked. They just kept crying.

At that second, Jeongguk came in with his jacket thrown over his shoulder and a hand stuffed in his pocket. As soon as he took one step into that room, one of the student teachers grabbed his arm and dragged him to the scene. As soon as Taehyung caught a glimpse of the older, he threw himself at him and his his face in the crook of his neck, wetting his skin with salty tears. Jeongguk was taken back for a moment at the sudden affection but he put two and two together once he saw the scrambled blocks. It took all of his willpower not to laugh at the younger's childish behavior.

Jeongguk put one of his hand on the small of Taehyung's back and the other on the nape of his neck and slowly massaged it until he calmed down. Once he stopped crying, he shyly took his head out of his hiding place and looked at the other student who stopped crying as well. Taehyung slowly made his way over to his fallen toys, and picked them up. He made his way over to the other and handed it to him with a small smile, a token of forgiveness and apology, all without letting go of Jeongguk's arm. The student gladly took it with a wide smile which Taehyung returned happily and they were back to playing on the rug.

Or two days ago,

Taehyung was next to the pile of stuffed animals with a tiger plushy in his hands. He was playing with it and making it jump with tiny little roars coming out of his mouth every now and then. Jeongguk was sat on one of the tables by the window, watching with an un-amused look. He was fiddling with his zipper of his leather jacket (which he technically isn't supposed to wear but what type of bad boy would he be to follow the rules? fuck the dress code) and listening to sober by, you guessed it, Big Bang.

Taehyung pranced over to him and "scared" the older by shoving the tiger in his face. "Roar!" He poked his head out from behind the plushie and smiled. His mouth formed into a heart shape and his eyes crinkled. When he didn't get a reaction he lowered the toy and gave the older a confused look.

"What?" Jeongguk asks and pulls out one of his earbuds.

Taehyung hufs and brings the toy back up again. "Pl-Play with m-me and T-Ti-Tigger!" He said and waves the thing around. Jeongguk scowls and mumbles a no before placing the earbud back. Taehyung doesn't take no for an answer and whacks Jeongguk with the soft stuffed animal.

"Hey!" He scolds and rubs his head. "That was unnecessary."





"B-B-But-" Taehyung stammered with a pouty lip and puppy dog eyes. "Gukkie..."

Jeongguk was silent for a couple seconds. He glared at the younger for using his pouty face no one could refuse. He sighed and mumbled a "fine" after a bit. Taehyung grinned and ran back to the bin to grab another plushie- this time a bunny. He ran back and sat on Jeongguk's lap. By now, Jeongguk was used to the younger's affectionate and needy side. He let him stay in his spot because it took a lot less effort than pushing him off.

"T-Ti-Tigger wa-wants to pla-y with his f-friend th-the b-bunny." Taehyung said and handed Jeongguk the toy bunny.

"What, the bunny doesn't have a name?" Jeongguk sneered.

Taehyung tapped his chin in thought. He realized that the toy in fact didn't have a name. This bothered Tae. All of his other plushies had names, why didn't this one? But what would its name be? He has so many toys that he practically used every name he could think of. There was Tigger the Tiger, Chubby the Bear, Inky the Squid and Bambi the cat. What could its name be?

He thought for a minute while Jeongguk watched comically. He wouldn't admit it, but he found it cute how Taehyung's face was scrunched up in thought. He acted as if this was the most important thing in the world and Jeongguk found it kinda adorable. (simp)

"How about bun bun?" Jeongguk offered but Taehyung shook his head.

"T-Too si-simple."

"Carrots?" He offered again but Taehyung giggled.

"H-He's a b-bunny not fo-food!" He said and Jeongguk couldn't help but smile slightly.

"I k-know!" Taehyung said suddenly and Jeongguk hummed in response. "H-How ab-about g-gukkie?"

"Why gukkie?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung giggled again.

"It's be-because you lo-look l-like a b-bunny wh-when you s-smile!" 

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