Chapter Twenty Four: Grades

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"Hey, mom." Jeongguk said as he walked into the living room.

"Hi honey!" His mother replied with a mouthful of popcorn. "How was school?"

"Actually," Jeongguk said with a slight smile. "It was great."

His mother smiled at him before she curled back into her husband. The two were on the couch with some random movie playing and a big bowl of buttery popcorn in their laps. They were surrounded with a large fluffy blanket and soft pillows. His mother had her head on his shoulder with her feet sticking out of the couch.

Jeongguk chuckled at her before making his way to the stairs. Before he could climb up to his room, his father called out to him.

"Jeongguk." He said. "May I speak to you?"

Jeongguk mentally cursed before sighing and stepping off the steps. "Yeah."

The older man gently pushed his wife off his lap as he went into the kitchen to speak to his son in private. He motioned him to the island and the two sat down on high stools. He grabbed a paper slip from the pile in the middle of the table and unfolded it before handing it to Jeongguk.

"What's this?" Jeongguk asked as he scanned the paper. His eyes widened as he read the letters at the side..

Math: F

English: D+

Music: A

Gym: A+

Chemistry: F

Korean Literature: F

"Jeongguk." His father said. "Your grades have never been this bad before. What's going on?"

He sighed and shrugged. "I don't know. I don't have much time since I'm looking after Tae-"

"That kid? I thought your punishment was lifted." He asked.

"Well, Yeah." Jeongguk said. "But I like hanging out with him so I just stayed."

"Maybe you should reconsider that." He said. "If your grades keep plummeting then you might not be able to graduate."

"But I have two A's! Isn't that a good thing?"

"I'm music and gym? No, Jeongguk. Those are useless classes and they don't mean anything. You won't need them in life and the others are more important." He said. "I don't think you should be hanging around that boy. He's obviously not a good influence on your academics and he's just a menace."

"Dad!" Jeongguk said as he rose from his seat. "He is not! I'll get my grades up but I'm not just gonna drop him! He's special to me and needs to be taken care of. If I'm not there, who will? It's not like the other kids like him very much and he needs extra attention. Besides, if I'm gone people would just bully him! I can't let that happen! He's too precious for that."

"Precious?" His father mocked. "Jeon Jeongguk, just what is this boy to you?"

His voice got stuck in his throat as he stared into the eyes of his father. "He's... He..."

"Spit it out."

"My boyfriend, okay?" Jeongguk frustratedly said. Once she heard that word, his mother sprinted into the room.

"Boyfriend?" She said with a slight gleam in her eyes. "Who? When? What? How?"

"It doesn't matter who he is or how or whatever." His father said. "What matters is that you have no idea what you're going to be doing with your life and grades like these don't help your situation. Jeongguk, you're going to graduate this year and become an adult the next. Raybung-"

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