Chapter Thirty Eight: Gender

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To say the car ride to get food was awkward would be an understatement. Jeongguk had to explain why Taehyung had to keep the skirt on, since his jeans would outline the obvious problem he had. His excuse was that Taehyung liked his outfit so much he didn't want to take it off. His mother bought the lie and bought the outfit along with four other bags full.

When they got in the car and drove off, Taehyung kept whining under his breath and tugging at Jeongguk's shirt. "H-Hurts." He whispered.

"I know, baby. I know." Jeongguk responded. "Just wait a little bit, okay?"

When they finally got to the ice cream shop, Jeongguk excused himself and Tae to the bathroom where he quickly fixed his problem. It resulted in Jeongguk giving Tae a quick and messy blowjob in the bathroom stall. Tae's skirt was settled on top of the elder's head as he kneeled down. The younger was embarrassingly biting at the paws of his sweater while his hand was laced in Jeongguk's hair. After they cleaned up, the two left the bathroom with Tae flushed pink and Jeongguk a bit smug with his hand around Tae's waist.

"You okay now, Tae?" Seoyun asked when the couple sat down. Taehyung didn't respond but instead slightly nodded and kept his head down.

Before she could pry any further, one of the waitresses who worked at the establishment came to take their order. "What would you like to order today?" She asked Seoyun with the most disinterested tone she could muster.

"One salad and a coke please."

Taehyung tugged at Jeongguk's sleeve again. "Wh-What's tha-that?" He whispered.

"Hm? Oh, a salad?" He answered. "It's basically a bunch of gross leaves."

Taehyung shook his head. "N-No, th-the other o-one."

"A coke?" He asked and the younger nodded. "You've never heard of a coke? Its soda."

"I onl-only dri-drink app-apple juice." He mumbled.

Jeongguk smiled and looked back at his menu to see the waitress waiting for his order. "And what would you like, sir?" She asked and batted her eyelashes with a small smile. He noticed her change of behavior and rolled his eyes before asking for some fries. She noted it down before asking Tae what he wanted, even though she didn't take her eyes off Jeongguk.

"I wa-wanna sh-share wi-with Guk-Gukkie." Taehyung said and held his upsidedown menu. "A-And I wa-want a c-cock!"

"A what?!" Jeongguk yelled and his mother looked at Taehyung with the same shock.

"A c-cock." He repeated with a straightforward tone.

Jeongguk stuttered over his breath. "T-Taehyung, you can't-"

"B-But I wa-want it!" Tae whined. "I don't want app-apple juice!"

That's when Jeongguk broke into a fit of laughter. His mother and the waitress looked as dumbfounded as ever. "Taehyung!" Jeongguk said through his tears. "It's coke not cock!" And so Seoyun joined in the laughter.

Taehyung looked visibly confused. "That's wh-what I s-said."


The three finished eating and were about to head out when the waitress from before stopped them. "Here!" She said and shoved her number to Jeongguk. "Call me sometime."

Jeongguk smiled and threw the paper in the bin by the door.

Now they were walking around in the park a block away from the restaurant. Jeongguk and his mother were a few steps behind Taehyung who was mesmerized by the bubbles floating around.

"He's a sweet kid." She said, "I can see why you like him so much."

"Yeah." Jeongguk said with a small smile as he watched his boyfriend laugh and poke the bubbles.

"Do you plan on taking him to prom?" She asked and Jeongguk nodded.

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