Chapter Forty : Promposals

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"Get back here, Tae!" Jeongguk yelled as Taehyung ran away from him.

Currently, the two were spending their Spring vacation playing in the snow in some remote snow lodge. Obviously, they weren't alone as they had Jin, Namjoon, and both Jeongguk's parents with them. It was a vacation suggested by his mother and she offered to take Taehyung along. Jeongguk was more than happy with the idea but if Taehyung had to come then so did Seokjin and Namjoon. They couldn't bear to be apart from Tae for one day let alone three. It took a lot of pleading since Seokjin was still a little iffy with how he felt about Jeongguk. It took the aforementioned to clean the elder's house AND Taehyung's own whining for Jin to finally forgive him. (It also took some of Seoyun's bribe to get two more days off since she is his boss after all but we don't talk about that).

The four adults were watching the two lovebirds in the comfort of their warm cabin, drinking hot chocolate by the window. It was below 30oF and there was no way they were going to risk frostbite. In fact, they didn't let the teens leave without wrapping them in two pits of everything (coats, hats, gloves, etc.).

Taehyung yelped and giggled once Jeongguk finally caught up to him. The younger threshed around in the elder's arms but finally admitted defeat and let Jeongguk dump the pile of snow he had onto him. Taehyung winced at the cold but was quick to retaliate. Their snow battle continued until one of them collapsed in defeat (It was Jeongguk. He couldn't help but let Taehyung win when he saw the little pout he wore every time the snow ball he threw missed Jeongguk).

"Yay!" The younger yelped in victory and stuck his tongue out at the elder. Jeongguk got to his feet and tackled his boyfriend for the little insult.

"Guk! Tae!" Seoyun yelled as she poked her head out. "Come back inside! It's getting dark."

"Okay, mom!" Jeongguk yelled back before hauling Taehyung on his shoulder and making his way back to their little cabin. Taehyung laughed and punched the elder's back the entire way there.

"Le-Let me g-go, Gu-Guk!" Taehyung pleaded once they finally got inside. Jeongguk compiled and plopped Tae down on the couch in front of the fireplace. He took the younger's hat off as Tae struggled to take his gloves off. Namjoon came around and wrapped a blanket around his future brother-in-law and handed another to Jeongguk.

"You're freezing, bubba." Joon said as he worked his hand through the younger's cold hair.

"I-I'm o-okay, N-Nam-Namjoonie." Tae said with clattering teeth.

"I'm alright too, thanks for asking." Jeongguk said sarcastically. The elder didn't bat an eyelash before going to the kitchen to grab some hot cocoa for Tae (and Jeongguk, he wasn't a monster). "So, what are we doing now?"

"It's a family fun night." Minho said as he walked in with some game boards.

And so the night continued with multiple rounds of uno (which resulted in an argument between Minho and Jin. Minho used a 4+ card on Jin twice to win and Seokjin accused him of cheating), monopoly (this also caused an argument between Seokjin and Namjoon. Namjoon kept complaining about how Jin shouldn't make him pay for the property he owned since they were fiancées and the elder disagreed), and hangman (another fight between Seoyun and Jeongguk. She claimed that Jeongguk was making up words so his team, which consisted of him and Taehyung, would win). All in all, it was a peaceful night.

Their family fun night ended with a comedy movie to let off some tension that was swirling around them. After their second movie, the adults went off to bed leaving the two teenagers alone in the living room. The two claimed they weren't tired yet so they were left to watch one more movie before going to sleep. Now, due to Jeongguk's choice, they were watching the same horror movie he's watched a thousand times.

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