Chapter Sixteen: Snow Day

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There was a blizzard the next day and about ten inches of snow came down. It had started late at night, around ten o'clock, right after the boys had fallen asleep. After the first few snowflakes fell the rest had come down in a frenzy. The cold had quickly filled the small apartment and since their blanket had fallen onto the ground, the two had no choice but to snuggle up against each other for warmth.

Jeongguk was the first to wake up that saturday morning because his phone had been going on and off with text messages and calls. He groggily reached for the device on the bed side table with one hand while the other was still wrapped around a sleeping Taehyung. He cursed whoever was bothering him at seven in the morning and opened the latest text message he received.

He turned off his phone and looked at the sleeping kitten in his arms. Taehyung's bed hair was strewn over his forehead and nose red from the cold. Soft snores were escaping from his pink lips and he kept trying to cuddle closer to Jeongguk for warmth. They were so close that Tae was practically on top of the brunette with one leg and arm thrown over his body. Taehyung started to shake slightly from the dropping temperatures and snuggled his face deeper in Jeongguk's neck.

Jeongguk cooed at the sight and started to rub his exposed thigh to create some heat. It must have worked because Taehyung purred. His skin was soft under his hands and he had to refrain himself from letting his hand continue exploring. Jeon Jeongguk was a respectable young man thank you very much. 

"Gu-Gukkie?" Taehyung yawned as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his fist. "Morn-Morning."

Jeongguk quickly retracted his hand and placed it on Taehyung's hip. "Morning~." He sang and gave a soft smile. "Sleep well?"

"Ye-Yep!" He said and snuggled closer to Jeongguk. "Guk-Gukkies war-warm."

Jeongguk couldn't help but coo at his cute actions. "Come on babe." He said and sat up. "Time to get up."

Taehyung wined and pulled at the back of Jeongguk's shirt. "To-Too col-cold." He said and yanked Jeongguk back. "St-Stay."

"Tae~." Jeongguk whined. "Don't you want breakfast?" Taehyung nodded but refused to let go of Jeongguk or move from his position. "Taehyung!"

"I do-don't w-wa-wanna!" He said and Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "I wan-want G-Gu-Gukkie."

Jeongguk sighed and pulled the brunette onto his lap. Taehyung yelped and held Jeongguk's shoulders to steady himself. "How about I carry you?"

That's how the two ended up in the kitchen with Jeongguk carrying Taehyung with one hand while the other was fumbling with the milk and cereal.

After the two finished their breakfast, they sat down on the couch and decided to watch tv only to find out the power went out when they tried to turn it on.

"That's why it's so cold." Jeongguk mumbled and got up from his seat on the couch.

"I-Is it bro-broken?" Taehyung asked and followed Jeongguk back to his room. "Di-Did I bre-break it?"

"No babe." Jeongguk said as he called the town to see when the power would come back on. "Just a power outage."

Jeongguk got off the phone with the power company and sighed as he rubbed the side of his face.

"Wha-What's w-wr-wrong?" Taehyung asked as he sat on Jeongguk's lap.

"Nothing's wrong babe." He said as he rubbed circles on Taehyung's exposed thigh. "Let's get changed shall we? It's cold."

Taehyung mumbled a quiet okay as he got off of Jeongguk and went to his dresser. He was searching for his favorite and warmest jumper when he found a different piece of clothing. His eyes shined with glee as he pulled out the white fabric and skipped over to where Jeongguk was sitting. He handed it to him with the biggest smile and Jeongguk was nothing but lost.

"What's this?" He asked as he studied the piece of clothing. "Tae, is this- is this a skirt?" Taehyung nodded excitedly and Jeongguk sighed. "You want to wear it dont you?" He asked and Taehyung nodded once more. "Tae, it's freezing and this is very short. I don't want you catching a cold."

Taehyung looked at him with big puppy eyes and a pouty lip. "Pl-Ple-Please?" He asked with a small voice and Jeongguk wanted to give him the world, but he needed to be strict. He didn't want the younger to get sick because of him.

"No baby, it's too cold for this." He said sternly and put the clothing aside. He pulled Taehyung back into his lap and gave him a hug as he rubbed his arms. "Maybe later, okay?"

"O-Okay." Taehyung said with a sigh and played with the loose thread of Jeongguk's navy blue shirt. The two started to rock back and forth and minutes passed by and they were still in each others arms.

"It's getting really cold, huh?" Jeongguk breathed out and Taehyung nodded as his long legs started to tremble. "Come on, let's get changed. I need to get my hoodie from the living room before I get frostbite."

Taehyung shot up from his position and rushed to the living room and came back wearing Jeongguk's gray hoodie backwards. He drowned in the clothing since Jeongguk was much larger than him. The end of the hoodie reached the lower part of his thighs and it covered his shorts. The sleeves became paws since they were so long and the boy just looked so tiny in it.

"Tae~!" Jeongguk groaned with a soft smile. "That's mine!"

"Wa-Warm." Taehyung said and sniffed the hoodie. "Sme-Smells lik-like Jeon-Jeonggukie."

"Taehyung~!" He whined and got up from his seat. "Give it back~."

"N-No!" Taehyung said with a smile and childish gleam in his eyes.

"Give it." Jeongguk said and attacked Taehyung's side with tickles. Taehyung giggled and squirmed away from his touch. "N-No!" He said and ran to the other side of the room.

"Come on!" He said with a grin as he continued to ruthlessly attack the younger with tickles.

Taehyung's laugh filled the room as he kept trying to run away from the elder. Jeongguk has managed to grab hold of Taehyung and throw him onto the bed with little force. He climbed on top of the younger and wiggled his fingers.

"Last chance, Tae." Jeongguk said with a smirk. Taehyung shook his head with a boxy smile and squealed when Jeongguk's hands roamed up and down his sides. Tears were pooling in Taehyung's eyes from the laughter and he tried to swat away Jeongguk's fingers but to no avail. Only when Taehyung begged for mercy did the torture stop.

"St-Stop!" Taehyung said in between laughs and tears fell from his eyes. "N-No mo-more!"

Jeongguk laughed and the tickles ceased. Light pants were coming out of a slightly sweaty Taehyung and Jeongguk had to do a double take. He gulped as he studied the younger and let his eyes wander. The hoodie was slightly rolled up during the fight so it revealed the golden tone from his tummy. His hair was poking out from all sides and cheeks pink and wet with tears. His legs were spread slightly with Jeongguk in between and he thanked whichever god was out there for letting him experience this cause damn, Taehyung looked so good.

"Gu-Gukkie?" Taehyung called and the brunette snapped out of his fantasy as Taehyung looked up at him with confused eyes.

"Y-Yeah Tae?" His voice cracked as he said that.

"Wh-What's th-that?" He asked and pointed downwards. "I-It's po-poking m-me."

Jeongguk looked down and his face went beet red. Are you fucking kidding me.

Jeon Jeongguk, had a boner. 



I'm gonna beat my younger self's ass. what is this

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