Chapter Eleven: Mother

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"I'm home." Jeongguk said nonchalantly and threw his keys on the counter.

"Welcome home honey!" His mother responded and kissed him on the cheek. "How was school?"

"Good." He said and returned the kiss to her forehead. "What's for food?"

"Well, I didn't really have time to make food, so how about takeout?" She said and Jeongguk nodded. "Okay! Why don't you go ask your father if he wants to come with?"

Jeongguk sighed but nodded again, obeying his mother's orders and went up the marble stairs to his father's office. He knocked on the door and got a "come in" as response. He did as he was told and entered the unsurprisingly messy room. It's always been chaotic in here, papers on random chairs and on the floor and trash overflowed with crumpled failed ideas. The desk had piles of paperwork and bills that need to be done and chewed up pencils littered the dark carpet floor. The work space was barely lit, the window that was half covered by the curtain being the only source of light.

"What is it?" His father asked not sparing him a glance from his computer. "Kinda busy."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and leaned on the door frame. "Mom wants to know if you want to get food with us."

"No." Jeongguk shrugged and was about to leave when his father called out to him once more. "Wait a second." He said and looked up from his work. "How was school?"

Jeongguk was a bit taken back, his father doesn't normally start up a conversation such as this. "Um, p-pretty good I guess." He said and shyly scratched his neck. "Kinda boring."

"I don't care about that." His father snapped. "I meant your grades. Did you bring them up yet?"

He sighed, a bit disappointed that he got his hopes up. "Not yet, I've been busy."

"Doing what?" He snorted and crossed his arms. "You don't even study! What's more important than that?"

"Lots of things." Jeongguk said and crossed his own arms. "I've been helping out the kid I told you about and he needs a lot of attention."

"Then stop helping." He stated simply. "Focus on your studies. How are you going to take over the business with those poor grades?"

"What if I don't want to go into business?" Jeongguk retorted and his father glared at him.

"Well, like what? It's not like you're useful for much else."

"Hey!" His mother energetically hopped into the room as tension was high. "What's taking so long? You coming or what?"

"I'll be in the car." Jeongguk said and stormed out of the room. His mother gave his father a look in which he just shrugged and focused his gaze back on his computer. She sighed and followed her son out the door.

Jeongguk slammed the door and took this chance to scream since he was alone. He was irritated to say the least. Lately, every time he tries to start a healthy conversation with his dad, it always ends up with an argument. It's like his father doesn't even try to get along with him anymore. It started after he transferred schools in freshman year, when he was bullied.

His parents, mentioned before, had no idea about the treatment of their son. Once his mother found out she was quick to take action, as before said, and moved him from that toxic environment. She felt guilty for never noticing her sons strange behavior or how distant he was the years before. She had him be excused for a week so she could spend time with him and shower him with the love he deserves.

The two ended up cuddling on the couch watching random tv shows and chick flick movies with ice cream on their laps and pizza on the table. She made sure that he was always smiling in that week by telling him jokes and having random tickle fights with him. She took him out to the mall or wherever he wanted and bought him whatever he wanted no matter how expensive since she had plenty of money to spare.

Jeongguk never thought of his mother as his mom. She was too childish to be stern and serious (though she does when it's needed). She's more like his best friend since she is very childish. He loves his mother with all his heart and he never wants to disappoint her, even though he does.

The constant detentions and fights Jeongguk gets into really puts a damper on her mood but she knows better. She's raised Jeongguk and knows that he's a good kid. That all the fuck boy act he puts up is just a defensive wall. She knows that the way he was treated in middle and freshman year changed him. He never raises his voice at his mother or argues with her when she's scolding him, he knows what he did was wrong even though he can't help it. His mother has never really gotten mad at him before, just disappointed but that could be fixed with a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug.

The only time she's ever been mad at Jeongguk was when she came home earlier than expected one day. She made her way up to Jeongguk's room and walked in on him mid way of having sex. She was furious. Not because they were doing what the were doing, they are teenagers after all (and she kinda expected it), no it was because he wasn't protected. She started rambling on and on about how unsafe this all was and threw a pack of condoms at Jeongguk. She didn't want to become a grandma just yet, she was too young and beautiful for that.

She didn't even yell a the girl, she drove her home safely in fact and apologized for her sons stupidity.

This time, a kiss and hug didn't work out for her. It was three kisses and he had to paint her nails.

As you can see, their relationship isn't quite normal.

Going back to the bullying topic; his father reaction want the same. In fact he started to be more stern and harsh with Jeongguk contrary to his mother's behavior. He believed that he was too soft on Jeongguk and that he became too weak because he was too lenient. He was all in for transferring Jeongguk, he's not a bad parent, just strict. He believed that coddling Jeongguk would do nothing and he was against the week off. The two (his mother and father) got into an argument because of this. It ended up with his father sleeping on the couch.

With his constant behavior problems in his new school, he thought it'd be better for Jeongguk to focus on his studies instead of that "gang" he's in. He just wanted the best for his son, he didn't want him to end up on the streets or in jail.

"Hey honey." His mother said as she climbed into the driver's seat. "Is everything okay?"

"No." He mumbled and his mother quickly pulled him into a hug which he gratefully returned.

M"Awe sweetie." She said as she patted his head. "What's wrong?"

"Dad said I was useless." He said and she sighed.

"I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it like that." She said and made a mental note to kick his father's ass later. "I think he was just grumpy."

Jeongguk sighed and shrugged. They pulled out of the hug because of the uncomfortable positions they were in given that the car didn't have much room. His mother pulled out of the driveway and they drove off to get some Mcdonalds. She got his father a plain salad as revenge for making her poor son sad. She didn't even get him dressing like the evil women she is. 

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