4. getting another mom and a sister

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Ash: how come we cant go to twinleaf high and why sangem?

Dawn: cause its a has a better education

Ash: no it isnt, it has the same education level

Dawn: how do know?

Ash: i looked up everything within walking distance since you moved in to barrys old house when his mom moved away

Dawn: but my mom went to sandgem high and i want you to go with me

Ash: but its a all girl school?

Dawn: soo?

Ash: you know damn well soo

Dawn: oh come on now

Ash: i dont wanna go to a all girl school so no

Dawn: pweaase?

dawn use baby doll eyes the attack miss

Ash: i said no

Dawn: you can be so stubborn

Ash: twinleaf high is a 5 minute walk but sandgem is 20 minutes

Dawn: so its a longer walk but it'll be more fun

Ash: then you go to sandgem and i go twinleaf

Dawn: *sigh* so its plan b, its your turn

Ash: [plan b?.]

then a woman in a business suit walked in

Ash: your the principal of the sandgem high miss chihiro

Miss Chihiro: good you know i am, lets get down to business i want you in our school

Ash: if she *points at dawn* cant convince me there no way you can

Miss Chihiro: not even if i bribe you?

Ash: no, also why are you here i doubt dawn knows you

Miss Lucian: she a friend of mine actually

Ash: of course she is, well my answer is still no and thats final

Dawn/Miss lucian/Miss Chihiro:[looks like its plan c]

-first day of school-

Ash: sometimes i hate you all

Dawn: your just upset cause we out smarted you

they tricked me into taking the sandgem high entrance exam according to them, i made the second highest on the exam, dawn being the first.

i was the first pokeperson in history of the school. after a while they figured out about my crush on dawn. yet dawn still oblivious to romance

every now and then, i get people to confess there's feeling to me, i have to turn them down


after a year and a half of school i tried to convince mom to transfer but she and the principal are not letting me so give up, i could drop out but i need to graduate to get a trainer lincense from professor rowan. So school life went on, but then one night

-during dinner-

Mom: say ash, what you think about me getting remarried

Ash: its good so who's the lucky guy

Mom: actually its a woman

Ash: [i forgot she was bi] oh ok who is she

Mom: she's a mom who i met on a chatting app for parents who kids have suffered because of team rocket
she has a daughter same age as you. we talked and we clicked so we decides to marry in month from now

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