2. new weak points

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you see dawn chasing ash around the house when

Dawn: oh come on ashy, let me floof you

Ash: no stop it, we're suppose to be watching tv, not chasing me around the house. mom, stop her!

Ms;. Lucian: now dawn, let her watch tv. and ash cant at least let her floof you tail

Ash: no! its sensitive!!

Ms. Lucian: thats righ sorry. how about your hand then?

Ash: uhhhh...

Dawn: please ashy

dawn uses baby doll eyes, its super effective

Ash: damn it fine, only the hand

and then we sat down on the couch, i showed dawn my hand and she'd grabbed it and put it up to her face. save to say, shes happy with it

Ash: happy?

Dawn: yup

*sigh* why does she has to be a super fan of all thing poke-people. i picked up the remote with the other hand to turn the tv and flip to a contest battle to study them to see if i can use any of it in battle plus i know dawn likes them

Dawn: say ashy?

Ash: yeah?

Dawn: do you still want to be a trainer?

Ash: yea, why you ask?

Dawn: then why did you put it on a contest battle instead of league battle?

Ash: im studying any unique move so i can use it for battle. i saw a trainer that use contest like moves to win a league battle

Dawn: cool

we continued to watch tv until

Ms. Lucian: dinners ready

Dawn/Ash: ok

and then we make our to the dawn had to let go of my hand to i can eat

we ate our meal i asked dawn

Ash: so dawn when are you going home?

Dawn: oh im staying the night

Ash: what?

Ms Lucian: oh come now, you dont suspect dawn to walk home in the dark now

Ash: we both have a black belt in the hitmontop style, i fell sorry who tried to mess with her

Ms. Lucian: well than she stays as my guest than

Ash: ok she sleeps with you then since you have the room

Ms. Lucian: we'll see

-after dinner-

Ash: im going to take a bath now

Dawn: i'll join you

Ash: no your not

Dawn: oh come on we use bathe together before

Ash: thats when we were like 6

Ms. Lucian: i cant scrub you back until im done with the dishes

Ash: i can wait 5 minutes

i looked over to see only 5 dishes and some silverware in the sink

Ms. Lucian: thats only for dinner, i have to clean the ones that came from you room

she points over to the pile of 10 or so dishes

Ash: then i scrub my own back

Dawn: aww, let me help wash your back

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