19. off on a errand

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since dawn is gonna practice with mitsumi for the up coming  contest in goldenrod so me whitney, serena and lyra  were walking around town when 

Serena: so darling what are we doing today *hugs arm*

Ash: *blush* please dont call me darling...

Lyra: why sweetie? we should call each other nicknames *hugs other arms*

Ash: *blush brighter* its embarassing not to mention the shortest girlfriend is  a halve a foot taller than me [i hate being 5 foot tall]

Whitney: awww, dont be that way, we want to show you our love. is that so wrong *hugs back*

i felt her breast on the back of my head

Ash: *blush even brighter*  aaah hey, let go of me!

i tried to escaped to no luck they pull me back in and hug me tighter

Whitney/Lyra/Serena: nope!

Ash: oh come on! *blush*

Whitney: just man up and deal with it,
*sigh* i still cant believe your were a guy

Ash: *blush*

Serena: so anyways what shall we do today?

Ash: i dont know.... i thought i walk around town think of a nickname for my girl sprigaito

Serena: ok lets go a date on the city and we'll  help you brain storm

Lyra: yeah

Whitney: sounds fun

Ash: only if you ease up on the hugging

Whitney: promises....

after a while we decide to head back to the pokemon center to eat lunch when we were heading to the dinning hall....

????: what! why are you at my hillside house in kanto?

????: sorry i got the address mixed up, is there anyway for you to come here?

???: i cant, my sister has a terrible cold and cant leave her, cant you come here?

????: by the time i go there and come back my flight will take off and there  non-transferable or refundable

????: i need those  costumes for my research....

i walk up to them

Ash: well if its not to much trouble i could get them for you sir....

the guy looked at me

Serena: ash! you shouldnt volunteer for complete stranger

Ash: but he isnt he's bill a pokemon researcher and the reason why we can hold up 18 pokemon with the pokedex

Bill: im glad you know who i am and i really appreciated your help,  here  you'll need this *hands me a ticket*

Bill: this is a ticket for the train take to  the safron and i'll arrange a uber to take you there its up to 4 per ticket its a unlimited ticket.

Ash: ok, you three up for a quick trip to kanto girls?

Serena/Whitney/Lyra: hell yeah

after a quick instruction of where and what to do we hop on the train and head to safron and grabbed the  uber to cerulean city

-cerulean city-

Driver?: ok here you are... cerulean city i hang around here since there no road up there and give me  a call when you need to run back to safron after your done

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