17. seeing a old *soulmate* of mine

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after breakfast we're going to say good bye to lyra's grandparents when

Lyra's grandmother: here you go ash sweetie

she hands me  a green pokemon egg

Ash: huh? you sure ma'am

Lyra's grandmother: im sure lyra speaks highly of you and im sure you can raise this pokemon the best  it can be

Ash: thanks but i dont organize the egg pattern where is from?

Lyra's grandmother: i was told by the trainer who left it here that it was from the paldea region, beyond that i dont know  

Ash: ok cant wait to see whats inside...

Lyra's grandmother: and lyra?

Lyra: yes grandma?

Lyra's grandmother: dont let her  escape, i maybe old but i can tell she care for you deeply

Ash: *blush*

Lyra: *blush* graaaandma

Lyra's grandpa: *chuckles*

Ash: we should head out thanks again for the egg, i'l take good care of it

Lyra's grandmother: your welcome

and then we say goodbye and walk to goldenrod

-goldenrod city-

as soon as  we entered the city  booth our mine and dawn eggs began to  wiggle rapidly

Ash: huh? their hatching already your's i understand but mine?

Dawn: guess it was close to hatching already

and then the eggs to crack more until it shine brightly and then dawn togepi's  and my egg became a green catlike pokemon

Ash: oh wow a sprigatito

Sprigatito:*meows happily*

Dawn: awwww its so cute, but not as cute as you togepi*hugs it*

Togepi:*happy noises*

Ash: come on lets go get them looked at the center

Dawn: ok ash....mmmmm? whats up with your hand?

i looked at it to see it glowing and then it stopped

Ash: weird, well lets go

after that we went to the pokemon center and do a check up on the newly hatch pokemon and they were healthy, so we decide  to eat lunch 

-after lunch-

Dawn: so ashy, what was with the hand glowing thing?

Ash: dont know it only happen  once and was during that summer camp thing when we were 8 remember? you were sick so you couldnt come to kanto that time

Dawn: oh yeah you were kinda sad about that, so what does it mean?

Ash: i was going to look it up but keep forgetting too i'll do it now

i look up glowing hand/ arua users and stuff and then ai got a hit

Asah: here we are, its means that when the aura user hands glow....

?????: it means that that they found there soulmate and the hand is responding to thier soulmate again if they are in the area

Ash: thats right, hey who said that?*looking around*

??????: i did

i turn to see a girl with long blonde

Ash: [s-s-serena?]

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