16. kimonos and shrines oh my

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-ilex forest-

after healing up the pokemon at the center. we head through the forest. it was quiet for a while until we saw a shrine

Dawn: hey whats this shrine for?

Lyra: its for anyone to pray to the spirit of the forest

Ash: oh yeah thats celebi right?

Lyra: thats right, they say it wonders this forest

Ash: it also travels through time as well

Dawn: Really? how did you know that?

Ash: well trying to figure out how to change myself back i thought of time travel would be the best option and they are 2 ways i know of 1. dialga from sinnoh but it almost ever come out its domian so thats a bust and the 2nd. is celebi which is here

Dawn: wow

Ash: but im not stong enough to catch it yet so i may have to come back here to try my hand at catching it

Dawn: so gonna try to do with celebi if you did caught it?

Ash: i thought of stopping my kidnapping but that probably only delay my transformation or something and that may effect lyra so i just stop the incident 25 years ago

Lyra: but ash......

Ash: it would change everything but

Dawn: but?

Ash: they kept the location of where it was top secret and any members of the lab has died of old age or injuries do the explosion and any police reports kept it extremly hush hush *sigh* so ...... hmmmm?

Dawn: whats wrong ashy?

Ash: i feel like i'm being watched

Lyra: it must've been just us

Ash: maybe anyways, i cant time travel to set time until i know the when and where. so well lets go, goldenrod awaits

they all nodded and went on our way


while walking the feelimg of being watch still lingered. i looked around but i saw no one but us

Lyra: whats wrong?

Ash: im still feeling that im being watched

Mitsumi: your over thinking it ash

Ash: maybe. but it hadnt stop since we left the shrine

Lyra: weird maybe its celebi

Ash: could be, we did talk about it, maybe its observing me or something

Mitsumi: maybe its has a crush on you

Ash: yeah right mitsumi

and then we continue to walk through the forest and then we see a girl in kimono looking around confused

we walked up to her

Ash: excuse me, are you lost?

Kimono girl: oh sorry, yes can you help me? i need to get to eruteak city

Ash: sure we our on way to goldenrod so we can escort you a little part the way there

Naoko: oh thank my my name is naoko

after we introduce ourselves and continue our to goldenrod. and we talk about stuff and then......

Naoko: say ash?

Ash: yeah?

Naoko: i bet you look cute in a kimono

Dawn: yeah she does, she won a contest

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