7. a punch felt around johto

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-goldenrod airport-

Ash: looks like we finally made it girls

Lyra: wow, theres more pokepeople than people here

Ash: yeah

i thought i would hear a scream of joy from a certain pokepeople fan, but nothing

i turn to dawn

Ash: dawn, you ok?

Dawn: *blush* y-yeah

Ash: your face is red, dont tell me your sick

Dawn: im just...

Lyra: i bet she just tired it was a long flight

Dawn: r-right...

Ash: well luckly well be traveling to cherry grove by bus and walk to new bark on foot you can rest on the bus, you ok with that?

dawn nodded

Ash: ok lets go

Lyra/Dawn: right

we decided to take it easy until we deliver the egg then start the journey

-route 29-

Ash: it will take us about a couple hours to get to new bark, are you ok to walk dawn?

Dawm: yeah thanks


we're about a hour into our walk when i heard someone familar

Ash: *ears twitch* what? no way... it cant be him

Lyra: who?

Ash: barry....

Dawn: barry!!!

Lyra: your ex friend ?

Ash: yeah lets move to the side of the road. knowing him he's gonna ride right past us

we move to the side of the road as i suspected he riding his bike at breakneck speed but...

Barry: huh? dawn?

barry then stop his bike and walk to us

Barry: hey dawn, long time no see

Dawn: *angerly* not long enough, why are you here?

Ash: my guess is the slogan of johto

Barry: Yup there willing to give a 2nd chance, so are you willing to.....

Dawn: no way in hell

Barry: why?

Dawn: *angerly* you really dont think i dont know what you did to ashton

Barry: uhhhhhhh

Dawn: you backstabbed him just to get with me, i never be with someone like that besides....

she turn to me and she put her arm around me pull me close

Ash: *blush*dawn! what are you d....mmmmmmmm

dawn pulled me into a kissed, safe to say everyone was shocked including me

and then she pulled back and whispered "sorry about that" and then she turned to barry

Dawn: i like girls. you never had a chance with me

Barry: i didnt....

Dawn: well ashy knew and stopped but you backstabbed him

Barry: i-i-i-i

Dawn: *angerly* i dont want to see you unless its absolutely necessary am i clear?

Barry: crystal

barry got up and went to his bike when

Dawn: before you go there something i need to do

Barry: what is i.... urggh

dawn punch barry hard in the face which throwed him to his bike

Dawn: that was for ashy now get out of my sight

Barry: yes ma'am

he hopped on his bike and floored it to new bark town

Dawn: *sigh* that felt good, ive been wanting to do that for 5 years

Ash: ummm dawn? can you explain what you did earlier

Dawn:*blush* uh you see i heard you 2 talking the night before we left and it got me thinking alot

Ash: that would explain alot like why you werent cuddling me

Dawn: yeah i was mauling over things , but the more i think it over the harder to stop thinking of you. so i kissed you to confirmed this and i was right

Ash: oh *blush* so um...

Dawn: ashy... i was wondering do you do you still like me

i nodded

Dawn: so do you want start dating?

Ash: *blush* ok but um can we start slow?

Dawn:*blush* sure i can wait

Lyra: hold it, i want in

Ash: but

Dawn: ok we can share

Ash: but dawn...

Dawn: i heard you talking remember, i know you like her as well but you couldnt lose me, so i am willing share you with lyra

Ash: but....

Lyra: i dont mind sharing you, this way we all win

Ash: i uh..........*sigh* fine, if i try to lie you spot it

Lyra/Dawn: yay

they both hugged me and kissed me on the cheek

Dawn: save to say your happy

Ash: yeah....

Lyra: she talking about your tail

Ash: huh?

i looked to see my tail wagging a storm i grabbed my tail to stop it

Ash: stupid tail *sigh* ok lets get this egg delivered ok?

Lyra/Dawn: ok

then they both grabbed my arms

Ash:*blush* alright lets go

Dawn:*giggle* ashy your tail....

Ash:*blush* sh-shut up

like that we head we head to new bark town

to be continued.........

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