22. a new cosplay and badge

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-a few days later-
-eurutik city gym arena-

Ash: alright its time to get my 4th badge

Dawn: good lucky ashy

Misty: yeah go get em

Ash: thanks girls

Referee: this will be a 4-on-4 battle, the match will be over when one the trainers pokemon are unable to battle and only the challenger can mzake subsitutes. now sent out your 1st pokemon

Morty: go ghastly
Ash: go erza

morty sent out his ghastly while i sent out my newly evolved florgato

Dawn: oh erza evolved to florgato...

Whitney: yeah, those couple of days of training did some good

Dawn: still kinda wish he joined us seeing naoko again...

Serena: well to be fair he did saw what we were plotting

Referee: battle begin

Morty: hypnosis

Ash: petal blizzard

the ghastly tried to put erza asleep but it was block by the petals and hit the pokemon

Morty: shadow ball

Ash: disarming voice

then erza let out a loud shout which stop the shadow ball

Ash: finsh it with sucker punch

Morty: quick use destiny b...

before morty could say his move erza sucker punched the ghastly making it faint

Referee: ghastly is unable to battle erza is the winner

Ash: alright, good job erza

Erza: {thanks}

Ash: rest for now *return erza*

Morty: *return ghastly* not bad, your pretty good. you manage to train it well

Ash: thanks, i couldnt done it without the pokerus i required from my latest catch

Morty:  pokerus huh? which pokemon is that?

Ash: you'll found out *holds up another pokeball*

Morty: *hold up another pokeball* i'll hold you to it go haunter

Ash: zuko your time to shine

morty sent his 1st haunter while -i sent a newly evolved charmelon

Mitsumi: oh zuko evolved too

Referee: battle begin

Ash: dragon dance

Morty: use shadow claw

Ash: break dance while using dragon dance

as the haunter use the attack, zuko begin to break dance while using the dragon dance which increased his attack and speed

Morty: impressive increasing your stas while deflecting mine

Ash: thanks i calling it the  dragon dance brake

Dawn: Braking dragon dance sounds better ashy...

Ash: its a work in progress, anyway now use shadow claw

Morty: dodge it quicly

before the haunter could dodge it zuko came up to it and used the shadow claw  which caused it to faint

Morty: what? how did that happen?

Ash: i notice that when i use drgaon dance brake...

Dake: braking dragon dance

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