21. a new secret and pokemon

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Ash: oh racheal, hows jimmy?

Racheal: don't know, he disappeared a little while after we talked during      our date

Ash: so a week or so... *looking at the kid with glasses* who's the kid?

Racheal: his name is conan a relative  of a friend of ours

Ash: i see...[that arua, his looks it cant be....] well how about you catch up while me and conan go grab a seat so we can eat

Dawn: ok ashy  see you inside

Ash: ok come on conan *pick him up by his collar shirt* lets get a table for everyone take your time  *ran into the caferteria*

Dawn: ok so racheal why are yo...

i ran to the caferteria with and prop conan in the chair across from me

Ash: so jimmy whats with the height change and stuff

Conan: i dont know what you  mean

Ash: you do relize i know your aura as well as racheals since i had arua since we before i got turn onto this but never mastered  so i know what your aura is like

Jimmy: ........ ok you  got me guess its only fair i bust you, you bust me yeah im jimmy

Ash: so spill, what happen?

Jimmyu: well during our date i solve a death on a roller coaster but then i notice these guy in black.

Ash: could it be team rocket?

Jimmy: maybe, i couldnt see a r on their chest they kept the coat buttons top anyways i followed one of them to a some sort of blackmail payoff but the other one bashed me with a pipe and fed me something and then next thiong i know im like this

Ash: mmm team rocket is trying to expands its reaches maybe?

Jimmy: why you think its team rocket?

Ash: well we had a run in with team rocket a couple of times here in johto

Jimmy: i see it does make sense why you think that... but i dont know

Ash: well jim i glad you didnt die

Jimmy: thanks...

Dawn: ASHY!!!

Ash: looks like our time is up dont worry i wont tell anyone about this

Conan: thanks...

Ash: *waving to dawn* over here

with that we lunch with racheal and "conan"  i also promise him i see about team rocket are the perp or not while looks into it on his own 

-contest hall-

Serena: cant beleive this place was a casino

Whitney: yeah they decided to move it to the other side of town cause having a casino on mainstreet doesnt give you good message especially after the whole team rocket thing 5 years back having a casino as a front

Ash: make sense, so serena why arent you going to compete? since this close to a performance you talked about

Serena: *blush* yeah i was too busy trying to find you to practice....

Ash: ok ....

Serena: i feel you judging me darling

Ash: yep im judging and if i say anything it will backfire and can you blame me? thats border line stalker /yandere territory, also dont call me darling...

Serena: i know im sorry i just wanted to see you again...

Ash: enough i forgive you already just dont go killing people on my account deal?

Serena: *kiss on the cheek* deal, im glad your my soulmate

Ash: yeah yeah

Mc: without further ado lets begin the goldenrod pokemon contest


dawn won the contest thanks being that ranma evolved into a kirlia

we are walking down the route to the park

Dawn: i can beleive i  won

Ash: you deserve it and in honor of your victory here *give her a ribbon case* a case for you ribbons

Dawn: i love it ashy thanks *gives me a kiss on the cheek* *puts her ribbon in the case*

Ash: *blush* no prob

Misty: hey where's our...

????: let our bug catching contest begin

Ash: aw man i hoping to compete in the bug catching contest

Misty: *scared* b-b-b-bug catching contest?

Ash: not a fan of bug types?

Misty: yeah me and katsumi were trapped in a room  with bug pokemon by our other 3 sisters and been afraid of them since

Ash: ok i was hoping to watch it at least but if your afraid...

Misty: oh no i can watch them as long as i dont see them in person im fine

Ash: ok lets go watch the contest  and then make our way to eurtik city

Dawn: yeah cant wait to see naoko chan again

Serena: naoko?

Ash:  she's someone that we in illex forest that was wearng a kimono

Whitney oh is she in your harem

Ash: *blush* dont call it that and no

Whitney: oh? is she not your type or something?

Ash: no, she just doesnt swing that way

Mitsumi: but she did say that if she was she be her type

Ash: tmi , anyways less talkie ancd more watchie

Everyone: fine

as we watch the contest  we saw a girl thats a baseball fan of some sort

??: *singing* we are electabuzz...

Ash: she must be a team eletabuzz team

Dawn: must be i hear they stink though

Ash: yeah  but dont really care for sports so  to ... each ... there own

i was getting distractged by a pokemon that not found here  that landed on misty's head

Ash: cool misty dont panic let me catch ythis pokemon *pull  a ball out a tap it on the head of the pokemon* *ball shook once and clicked* nice, a critical catch

Misty: so what pokemon that landed on my head?

Ash: ill tell you later, im curious why is it doing here since there usally found in alola....


-eurtik city-

-pokemon center-

Joy: ash, i've got some interesting news... your pokemon have caught pokerus

Ash: really? sweet i bet i know who was it it

Dawn: really who?

Ash: its the pokemon i caught while watching the contest

Dawn: oh the cutie what is it called again?

Ash: its called....

to be continued........ 

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