5. pizza and a movie

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*ding dong*

Ash: oh the pizza's here

i went and open up the door to the pizza delivery girl

Ash: oh hey jenny, are they low staff today?

Jenny: yeah, so why the extra usual today?

Ash: well i got a new step sister today, hey lyra come here for a sec

lyra came to where i was

Ash: lyra this is jenny, a classmate and jenny this my new step sister lyra 

Lyra: hey....

Jenny: oma, another pokeperson. what school will you be attending?

Lyra: sandgem..

Jenny: cool, thats mean we're gonna attending the same school. well here's your pizza the total is 27.40 pokedollars

Ash: here keep the change

Jenny: thanks see ya

she hands me the pizza after i give the  pokedollars and left

Lyra: i thought sandgem is a all girl school?

Ash: it is and  to answer your next question, i was tricked into entering this school instead of twinleaf and the pricipal and my mom wont allow me to transfer

Lyra: ok...

Ash: *sigh* so what movie do you want to watch

Lyra: how about tmnw?

Ash: which version?

Lyra: the 90's

Ash: ah the good one, you wanna watch the 1st, 2nd or 3rd one?

Lyra: 1st

Ash: cool lets watch and eat

we sat the three pizzas down i gave lyra hers, i got mine and sat on the couch

Lyra: so whos that last pizza is for?

Ash: dawn's

Lyra: who's she?

Ash: a childhood friend

Lyra: oh? when does she get here

i look down at my phone

Ash: in about 3....2.....1...

Dawn: ASHY!!!!!!!

Ash: you can set your alarm by that girl, when i say now, we jump off the couch

lyra confused but nodded

and then dawn burst through the door

Dawn: ASHY!!

and then she dove at me

Ash: now!

me and lyra jump off the couch and dawn hit the couch tipping it over

Dawn: ow... ashy, why did you dodge me

Ash: you know i hate it when you do that

Dawn: but....

Ash: but nothing  hug me like a regular person.*sigh* remind me why are still friends

Dawn: we are...

Ash: that was retorical, fix the couch so we can watch tmnw

Dawn: the good one?

Ash: yeah

Dawn: ok, oh..?

she notice lyra

Ash: this lyra, my new step sister

Lyra: hey its nice to meet yo...oaf

dawn uses hug tackle on lyra, it was super effective

Dawn: oma its another pokeperson

Ash: yeah i forgot to mention this but dawn here is a pokeperson fanatic, so keep on your toes around her

Lyra: noted.... ow

Ash: dawn come on ,we gonna eat food and watch the movie

Dawn: ok, oh  pizza...

after we eat the pizza and watched the movie, i told lyra about what happened to me and she told us about her, turns out her  what her story is almost a carbon copy of mine she has a gay male childhood friend and a female childhood friend who didnt notice he was gay and she thought she was competition even though lyra was a lesbian, so she had her uncle from team rocket to kidnap her after the acident, the girl got sent to juvi as well and band from almost all leagues as well and the boy  moved away for parents work leaving her alone

dawn hugged her

Dawn: you poor girl *sniff* that is almost like ashy, except he had me and now you do too

Lyra: *blush* thank you

after that we played video games for a while and then i decided to take a bath

Ash: well im going to take a bath now

Dawn: ok enjoy your bath...

strange she usually hops at the opertunity to bathe with me

Ash: and lyra no making bets with dawn with video games and dawn no bets with lyra

Dawn; i have no idea what your talking about

Ash: your lying...

Dawn: ok fine

i went to enjoy my bath and finished

Ash: what a nice bath

And then i hear lyra screaming from the living room

Lyra: double or nothing

Dawn: fine, if i win ....

i ran into the living room

Ash: hold it

they both looked at me

Ash: didnt i said no making bets

Dawn: well you said no making bets  with video games but didnt say boardgames

they were playing dedenne trap             

Ash: you know what i mean,*sigh* how many days did you bet so far

Lyra: a week

Ash: i  stop you just in time, was gonna bet that you have to sleep nude for the week

Lyra: what?

Dawn: guilty, hehehe

Ash: as long as i know her no one could beat her in anything from video games to boardgames

Lyra: i see, thank you for stopping me

Dawn: dont worry i planning on cashing in your two's weeks worth

Ash/Lyra: huh?


Dawn: ah, i have acheived the ability cloud 9

dawn has me and lyra in each arm

Ash: theres not enough room on my bed

Dawn: there will be you snuggle me

Ash: i keep telling you i only cuddling my girlfriend

Dawn: yeah yeah,well good night you 2

Lyra: *blush* good night dawn

Ash: good night dawn

my eyelids became heavy and then i bagan to sleep and then i had an unusual dream of me hugging dawn i notice that she felt fluffier than usual, i chalked it to being a dream so i didnt question it at least until i woke up

To be continued.....

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