10. a contest

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-violet city gym-

Ash: whaat... your closed? why?

Gym receptionst: its because of the pokemon contest and falkner's sister is in it so he's helping her out

Ash: ok i guess *sigh* when will it be open?

Gr: a week from tomorrow

Ash: hmm? why that long?

Gr: theres a festival going on in celebration of the first contest ever in johto

Dawn: oh thats sound like fun ashy..

Ash: yeah... but that means i got a weeks worth of training to get in

Dawn: but the festival? *uses baby doll eyes*

Ash: we'll go on the last day

dawn hugs me

Dawn: your the best and a great contest partner

Ash: girl what you talking about?

Gr: oh you didnt know the contest has singles and doubles

Ash: no i didnt know

Dawn: well now you do and your my partner

Ash: you sign me up without asking me....... again?

Dawn: but i want to do something with you, is that so wrong?

Ash: listen i dont care about contest i only watch them to think outside the box to gym battles

Dawn: please ashy?

dawn uses baby doll eyes, it was a critical hit

Ash: *sigh* fine but dont sign me for anything again and im not wearing a dress or im giving you the silent treatment for a week

Dawn: ok i wont do it again

Lyra: you cant no to her eyes can you?

Ash: no i cant, also im not wearing a yukata

Dawn: what why?

Ash: simple i dont wanna. how you got me into 1 i never know but im not wearing a yukata again [i got hit on by so many guys and some girls that day]

Dawn: *groan* ooook

-the next day-

Ash: *sigh*

Dawn: ashy relax, you'll do just fine

Ash: i know, i wish they didnt have to broadcast this thing live to the world

Dawn: well this is johto's first pokemon contest ever so they have to do it big

Worker: ash and dawn your up next

Dawn: k come on ashy lets win this

Ash: ok

Anouncer: and now next up are ash and dawn

Dawn: Ranma, spotlight

Ash: lets go akane


Dawn: aaaw man i cant believe we lost

Ash: come on like you said considering its our first time, 2nd place isnt bad

Lyra: yeah ash is right be proud that you won second place

Dawn: your right thanks guys

Ash: no prob, now lets go eat, i hunger

Lyra: sounds like she in the mood for curry

Ash: yup and tommorow until the last day i'll be training

-the next day-

Ash: come on out zio

Zio: {hey there what are we doing today?}

Ash: well i got these outfits from a lady yesterday from the contest for you saying that it'll give you an edge or something

Zio: {outfits?}

Ash: right we're gonna see if they work like she says it would. if so we can make it into a part your battle style, what da say?

Zio: {sure lets do it}

Ash: great lets get to training

meanwhile in another region the recording of the contest interviews was playing in a house while a girl was watching when

Reporter: how does it feel know that you were so close on winning

Dawn: im kind disappointing, but hey 2nd place is not bad for our 1st time right ashy?

Ash: yeah.....

then the girls eyes glowed a blued for second

Girl: a-ashton???

to be continued...........

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