11. being festive

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on the last day of the festival. me and the girls are walking around and munching on cotton candy

Dawn: you having fun ashy?

Ash: yeah *munch munch* i needed this after all that training

Dawn: how did that go?

Ash: pretty good i safe to say that im ready to face falkner

???: are you now?

we turn around to see the gym leader falkner

Ash: yeah, when tomorrow comes i'll be getting that badge

Falkner: like you got that ribbon?

Dawn: hey  considering it was our 1st  try  2nd place is good

Ash: easy there he  just upset that we were better than her sister

Falkner: just you wait girl....

???: big bro, be nice

Falkner: but lucy......

Lucy: but nothing dont be mean to ash-kins

Ash: its ok lucy, we're just trash talking

falkner's sister lucy is also a pokepeople fan like dawn which cause her to be my  friend

Lucy: ok but i wont forgive you if you made ash-kins cry

Falkner: i wont she  just a gym challenger

Lucy: i cant believe that your a gym challenger

Ash: yeah it the one time only, right dawn?

Dawn: yeah

Lucy: i was hoping to be your rival...

Ash: you can be dawn's

Dawn: i like that lets do it

Lucy: right bring it on next time

Dawn nodded

Ash: anyway did a guy by the name of barry came by?

Falkner: yeah he challenged me and lost  and went to train some more and that was a week or so ago, why?

Ash: just wondering

Lucy: good luck ash-kins, your gonna need it

Ash: thanks

lucy tries to hug me but dawn pull me away and hugs my arm

Dawn: my ashy no touchy

Lyra: you mean our ash

lyra then hugged the other arm

Ash: down girls

Dawn: ok i go get some drinks

Lucy: i'll go too

and then they left to the stands

me lyra and falkner talked for a  bit when the girl came back

Dawn: here you go

she hands me a drink i took a sip

Ash: mmmm this is good, what is it?

Dawn: the vendor say it poke-nip oran berry juice

Ash: pfft*spitting out the drink* what!? you gave us a acoholic drink?

Dawn: but the vendor said its not

Ash: its not but it is for... for.... hic

i blacked out

-the next morning-

i began to wake up but i had a splitting headche

owww, what happen? oh dawn gave me a pokenip drink then i blacked out

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