9. an eletricfying tale

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Dawn: so ashy, why are we walking?

Ash: for starters its good for you. 2nd this is how you travel the region plus you cant catch pokemon on a bus

Dawn: mmm thats true

Ash: beside knowing barry he using his bike

Dawn: true the farther he's ahead the better

Lyra: jeez i know you 2 hate him but going that far to avoid him

Ash: well he is the reason im like this *points at myself*. everytime i look in the mirror it reminds of that day. i will never forgive him nor team rocket for what they did to me

Lyra: i cant argue with that

Ash: good lets go

-lunch time-
-route 21-

Dawn: great food ashy

Ash: thanks making food is a must for people who is roughing it right akane, chopper?

Chopper: {great}

Akane: {uh huh}

Lyra: your right, we gonna make sure they're well fed and well train right robin, ryoga

Ryoga: {right}

Robin: {yeah}

Dawn: yeah i need to train my pokemon for the coming contest in voilet, you ready ranma, ace

Ranma: {yes}

Ace: {of course}

????: {help me!!!}

we all turn around to see a badly injured pikachu with a unusual color tail tip

i ran up to it

Ash: are you alright?

before it could answer it passed out

Ash: hang on buddy i gotta get it to the pokemon center. girls, can you.....

Dawn: ahead of ya go ahead we'll clean up

Ash: right thanks

with that i ran as fast i can to violet
as fast i can without harming the pikachu

-pokemon center-

Ash: excuse me nurse i need help i found a wounded pikachu and it need help

and i saw a someone that wasnt a nurse joy

and i saw a someone that wasnt a nurse joy

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Ash: jenny?

Jenny: oh hey ash been a while

Ash: yeah, oh wait we can talk later i found this pokemon wounded, can you help it?

Jenny: sure i see what i can do

-20 minutes later-

dawn and lyra finally arrived

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