13.not being a snuball about it

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after we healed our pokemon at the center. we head to the pokemart to meet up with prof. elm's assistant to get the egg


Ash: now lets see where is h... oh there he is

we went to the assistant

Ash: hey there we came here for the egg

Assistant: hey there, here you are one egg now take good care of it...

Ash: dont worry we will

he hands us the egg and then walks out the store after he done what he came here to do

Ash: ok dawn you can have this one

Dawn: what? you sure?

Ash: yeah, i dont need another pokemon for a while i got a good team so far

Lyra: yeah go for it dawn. im good with my 2 for now

Dawn: awww your the best*kiss me on the cheek* what pokemon will hatch from it?

Ash: judging from the pattern, it will be a togepi

Dawn: oh there so cute i cant for it to hatch

Ash: alright lets go get supplies, its gonna be a long trip to azalea

Lyra/Dawn: right!

after we got done shopping, we down to azalea we were about half way there. it tooks us a couple of days to make it to a place called palm mills we were in the park eating lunch when

Dawn: mmmmm, this is delicious ashy

Lyra: yeah it good

Ash:*blush*tail wagging* oh come now, your as good as a cook as... *chomp* eeeeoch

i got up cause of something bit my tail. i turn to see a pink pokemon

Ash: a snubull?

i took the pokemon off my tail and gave to lyra for a sec so i can look at my tail

Dawn: is your tail ok ashy?

Ash: yeah looks like it was small bite enough to hurt me

so i put first aid ono it and then i look at the pokemon

Ash: now listen here missy that hurt and extremely rude of you

Snubull: {i cant help it your tail was wagging back and forth i couldnt resist}

Ash: that doesnt give you the right to bite pokemon or pokepeoples tails

Snubull: {ok, im sorry}

Ash: good apology ac...

and then a man in a suite came from no where

Man: oh there you are, madam we found your snubull and she's perfectly alright

as he waved a lady in red dress that is now running towards us

Madam: oh snubull here i am

and then she pick up the snubull and hugged and then she looked at us

Madam: are you the ones who found my precious snubull

Ash: actually she found us (showed her my tail) with her teeth

Madam: oh dear im so sorry come now sweetie you say sorry too..

Ash: she already did after i gave it a small lecture on biting tails and such

Madam: oh ok thats good. is there anyway that i can do for you for finding my snubull

Ash: mmmmm, maybe give us a lift to the pokemon near union cave. we were going to azalea and were hoping to make it there within the next few days

Madam: is that all? we can do that but i have a brunch with someone would you care to join us

Ash: i dont mind how about you 2?

Dawn: ok

Lyra: im down

Madam: oh wonderful come now

so went to with madam muchmoney
to eat brunch with her friend

Madam: im so glad we can arrange a marriage with our snubulls

Snubull:{wait mom! i dont want marry him, i like girls}

Ash: mmmm, what was that snubull?

Madam: oh you can understand her?

Ash: yeah we have aura and can understand pokemon and if im not mistaken she said that she like girls and doesnt want to marry him

Madam: oh is that true sweetie?

snubull nodded

Madam: oh dear im so sorry sweetie i didn't know. im sorry serena....

Serena: its alright madam, its our job to make sure to make our pokemon are happy so i understand

Madam: oh thank you for understanding

Ash: [serena?]

Dawn: mmmmm? ashy, you ok?

Ash: yeah, im just remembering something for a long time ago

-pokemon center next to union cave-

Ash: thanks again for helping us out

Madam: its the least i can do for all your help now becareful when going into that cave

Ash: we will drive safe and no more biting tails snubull

Madam: ok bye

Snubull:{thanks and good bye}

and then she rode off back to her home while we wave her good bye

Ash: ok lets get ready for that cave tomorrow

Dawn/Lyra: ok

with that we ate bathe and then we went to sleep but i had a dream of day long past


i dreaming of my 8 year old self at prof. oak's summer pokemon program i was chasing a poliwag when i saw a girl crying

Ash: are you ok?

Girl?: im fine *sniff * i just scrape my knee

i saw her knee that has a few sctraches but i pull out my hangercheif and tie it around the injured knee

Ash: there all better, come lets go back, my name is ashton but call me ash

Serena: im serena and thanks you

i stick out my hand and she grabbed it and then our hand began to glow a light blue

Serena/Ash: pretty....

but then the light faded

Ash: ok lets head back

serena nodded and the we went to prof. oak's lab and then i woke up

Ash:(oh wow, i havent thought about her in a long time)(yawn)

and then dawnnn ands lyra woke up as well

Dawn: *yawn* morning ashy

Lyra: *yawn* morning

Ash: morning, ok lets get ready

they nodded and went got dressed and eat breakfast and out to union cave

-mean while-
-voilet city-

we see the girl that recognizes ashton from the tv getting off the bus

Girl: im comming to see you ....... my soulmate.

to be continued......

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