18. the goldenrod city gym.... leaders?

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- the next day-

-goldenrod city gym-

Ash: hello? is whitney here?

???: oh my goodness, how cute

and then a girl with pink hair came out of nowhere and hugged my head and my face landed in her chest.

ash used struggle to escape, the attack failed

???: so what do you want from me?


Whitney?: what was that?

and then she let go

Ash:*breaths* i can breath again, i said "your whitney?"

Whitney: yep, thats me

Ash: oh good, i wish to challenge you to a gym battle

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Ash: oh good, i wish to challenge you to a gym battle

Whitney: oh ok but if i win you have to go on a date with me and if you win you get a badge

Ash: *blush* s-sorry but i already have girlfriends*point*

Whitney: sooo? they can join us

Ash: i uuugh...*look at the girls* help me out.

Lyra: dont lose...

Dawn: do your best ashy...

Mitsumi: so where you planning to take us on this date:

[its apparently that they dont care if i win or lose]

Whitney: i was kidding

Ash: oh ok [she lying hut not gonna push it] lets get this gym battle undr....


[oh arceus please no]

Dawn: you lied about you were kidding

Whitney: what? i have no idea...

Serena: we have aura so we can tell you lied

Ash: serena just dro...

Serena: no i will not, i have to follow my heart, i can tell you have feelings for her, my guess is you saw her on the live broadcast of the contest

Whitney: heheheh you got me, i thought you were into contests...

Ash: thats was because of her*points to dawn*

Dawn: hey thats mean ashy

Ash: you sign me up for a contest i didnt even want to be in

Dawn: but if it werent for your battle style we couldnt make it in 2nd place

Ash: thats besides the point, all i want is a gym badge

Whitney: ok here *stick out hand to  show a badge*

Ash: but i want to.... mmmmm

before i could refuse she kissed me on the lips and i pulled out

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