12. going for a badge

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-violet gym-

Ash: hey falkner im here for my badge battle

then falkner walks in

Falkner: oh ash, glad you can come.... i was worried that your still suffering from last nights blunder

Ash: well i recover fast

Falkner: glad to hear it, now the battlefield awaits


Referee:this will be a 3-on-3 match. only the challnger can make subsitutes if either trainer is unable to battle then the battle is over

Falkner: go hoot hoot

Hoot hoot:{lets do this}

Ash: chopper lets go


and then he began to lick pink cotton off his lips

Dawn: HEY!, that was my cotton candy, i wonder where it went off too

Ash: bad chopper, dont go eating stuff that isnt yours.

Chopper:  *sadly*{sorry}

Ash: you apologize later lets battle

he nodded

Referee: begin the match

Ash: water gun..

then chopper began to spit out water to the hoot hoot

Falkner: dodge it

and it so

Ash: ok now break dance while using water gun

Falkner: huh? dodge it quick

and then chopper began to spin around on the floor while using water gun which causing the bird pokemon to get hit by the move

Falkner: what the?

Ash: good now put a little ice fang into that water gun

which causes the water to freeze the water causing more damage to the hoot hoot and its now falling down

Falkner: hoot hoot!

Ash: now finish it with ice fang

and chopper ran up the bird with with its attack which was super effective which cause it to faint

Referee: hoot hoot is unable to battle chopper is the winner

Ash: alright chopper good job

Chopper: {flattery wont get you  anywhere with me silly}

Ash: ok return

i send the pokemon back to its ball

Ash: now go akane

Falkner: go noctowl

Referee: battle begin

Falkner: now take to the sky

and the pokemon did

Ash: use confusion to bring back to earth

with that the move sent the pokemon to the ground hard

Ash: now use nuzzle

and the pokemon ran up to it and the move which cause to become paralyzed gotta love them egg moves

Ash: now use mystic fire

and the move spewed out colorful fire which cause it some damage

Ash: now finsh it off with confusion

and the pokemon used confusion to raise it up and slam it down to the ground to make it faint

Referee: noctowl is unable to battle akane is the winner

Ash: good job girl return

i akane went back in her ball

Ash: ok now come out zio

Falkner: i choose you skarmory

-meanwhile in the bleachers-

?: dawn-kins, lyra-kins

dawn: oh lu lu  glad you can come

Lucy: alright what did i miss?

Dawn: oh ashy just beat 2 of your brothers pokemon while still have all 3 of hers

Lucy: oh wow that awesome

-back to the field-

Referee: battle begin

Falkner: now fly high

Ash: quiclkly break dance while using thunder shock

and zio's move move in every direction to stop the skarmory accent to the sky

Ash: good job now quick attack into a nuzzle

Falkner: quick dodge it

but the quick attack hit and the nuzzle came after it which the pokemon to become paralyzed

Falkner: oh no skarmory

Ash: great now use cosplay


Ash: change into belle

and zio change into a old fashion dress with a bonnet on her head

Falkner: how dressing up gonna help you win?

Ash: like this, now use icicle crash

and then 5 ice spikes appeared above zio and then they were launched at the skarmory which hit

i safe to say they were all stunned to see that

Falkner: how is that possible?

Ash: its the cosplay, depending what she's wearing she has a different move like this, now cosplay into libre

and the pokemon change what looks like a masked wreslter

Ash: now use flying press

and then the pokemon jumped high and landed on the pokemon which causes it faint

Referee: skarmory is unable to battle zio is the winner and match goes to ash lucian

Ash: good job 

Zio: {naturally}

and then i return her to her ball

Falkner: impressive ash i didnt think i lose in such a weird way

Ash: well i thought it would surprise you if she usesbher cosplay move to help me win

Falkner: and it did here you go a badge in honor of you beating me

he hands me a  badge

Ash: alright just 7 to go

dawn, lyra and lucy came over from the bleachers

Dawn: good job ashy

Lucy: yeah way to beat my bro ash-kins

Ash: thanks dawn, lucy

Lucy: aww please cally lu lu?

Ash: not happening

Dawn: oh come now ashy

Ash: my answer is still no

Dawn: oh well, i tried lu lu

Lucy: thats ok dawn-kins

Ash: well were gonna head to center to heal up our pokemon and head to the next gym bye you 2

Lucy: ok seeya at the  goldenrod contest dawn

and then we went to the center healed up our pokemon and began preparing to leave to next town when

Cellphone: ring ring ring ring ring ring phone call phone call

i picked up my phone to answer

Ash: hello?

Elm: oh hey its elm. i just got done with the egg so i would like one you 3 to take care of it?

to be continued.........

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