20. getting a mega reward

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-the next morning-

i went to do a my usual workout  outside the of town, i was just finished  my work out when i saw a pokemon that not unusally found in johto. i caught it knowing dawn will love it and then went back, took a quick shower and eat breakfast and then head to the station

-on the way to the station-

Ash: well that was a unexpected detour

Serena: i'll say didnt think we had to stay the night

Ash: yeah lets go i want to get back on my johto journey  *runs to the station*

Whitney: hey ash wait for us

Ash: *turn my head back* i want to catch the next train  back to...

Lyra: watch out

and then i ran into someone andwe both fell backwards

???: oww, what hit me?

Ash: yeah me too?

i look up to see a girl with long brown hair done in a ponytail

and then a group of girls came to her and one of them said

???: ashley are you ok?

Ashley: yeah im fine *turns to me* sorry for running into you?

Ash: well sorry for that as well i wasnt  looking where i was going either. we  were running to the station to get back to johto.

and then lyra whitney and serena came to us

Lyra: ash are you ok

Ash: yeah im fine lyra

Misty: oh hey ashley, how's sis?

Ashley: oh hey misty, kasumi is doing fine

Ash: huh? you know her misty?

Misty: yeah she dating my older sister kasumi

Ash: oh yeah, you did mention that you have 4 older sisters

Misty: so where's kasumi?

Ashley: noh she's...

????: ashley

and then a girl that looks like a older non- pokeperson version of misty came up next to ashley 

Ashley: oh hey ashley

Misty: hey sis..

Kasumi: oh hey misty whats going on here? *pointing me and misty*

Misty: oh i decided after another cheating boyfriend i went lesbian and started dating ash *hugs my arm*

Kasumi: jeez another boy cheated  but at least she seem nice enough so*look at the other girls* are you in her harem?

Misty: yup

Kasumi: so is there any one else

Ash: well there's whitney *points to her*, lyra *points to her*, serena *points to her*, dawn and mitsumi and then theres misty

Kasumi: really? im in ashley's harem... as well  as lorelei, sabrina tomoe, clair, erika, green and janine

Ash: i recognize some of those, there gym leaders and elite 4 member

Ashley: yeah we are going to so see sabrina at her gym *points to a gym*

Ash: ok we should head to the station  have fun come  girls

girls: ok

and then we ran to the station

Ashley: ok see ya [i wonder if she's like me...?]


Ash: made it with seconds to spare

Misty: *huff * how come your...

Whitney: *huff huff* not tired?

Ash: simple, i do karate

Lyra: yup

Serena: well i practice in aura but yeah


-goldenrod city-

Ash: good now to deliver the goods to  bill

-bill's house-

Ash: so this  is bill's home, its quite nice

Lyra: yup

i knock on the door and then bill open the door

Bill: oh hello ash

Ash: here is your costumes

Bill: oh thank you *he notices my mega ring* oh i see you that sycamore gave you a mega ring.

Ash: yeah he gave it to me as apology cause of the inconvenience

Bill: and now thanks to this *holding up the suitcase* i have more research material of kalos, say did he gave you any starter pokemon as well?

Ash: yeah, he gave us the kanto starters

Bill: very well *and then he pull out for marbles with the same symbol as the mega ring* which one did you choose?

Ash: charmander

Bill: oh then you get charizardite x and y.p *grabs 2 of them and gave them to me*

Ash: you sure?

Bill: im positive i finished using them for my research so yeah so who picked squirtle and bulbasaur?

Lyra/Serena: we did

he gave the mega stone to the them  we said thanks and good byes and head to the pokemon center

-pokemon center-

Ash: dawn, you here?

Dawn: ASHY! *hug tackle me* i missed you

Ash: yeah sorry about that didnt think we get stuck there but here i caught something that i thought you like *give her a pokeball* and i thought it was weird cause they were found only  sinnoh as far as i know.

Dawn: oh  than come out *tosses the pokeball up*

and then a bunnery  pops out

Bunnery: {hi there}

Dawn: its a bunnery

Ash: yeah appearently she hopped on board a shipped to kanto when she was hungry and saw them boarding berries so i cau....

and then dawn kissed me on the lips

Dawn: oh thank you ashy i love her i take good car of her

Ash: *blush* no prob

Dawn: so tell me bunnery do you want to be in contest

Bunnery: *nodded*

Dawn: then i call you Lola

Lola: {lola, i like it}

Ash: now that we're back, we should grab some lunch and ...

*center door opens*

???: ash, dawn?

we turn to see racheal her and a little boy with glasses.

[mmmm, why does he look familar?]

to be continued.....

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