2 Tasha

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I walk down into the basement where the gym and armory is and Taylor was hitting the bag, splattering blood everywhere and blasting some Drowning Pool.

"Tay, I hope you know you're cleaning that up. I can't get no blood on my greasy hands" Imitating my best "valley girl" voice.

Taylor bends over out of breath and half laughing.
"I can't get it out of my head, Tash. Mom gets called out,going God knows where this time and we come home to our Dad on the kitchen floor.
Now supposedly mom's presumed dead and nobody know why?
They're the fucking CIA, I'm not buying their bullshit for one minute." Throwing one last hard kick to the bag.

Walking over to Taylor, I sat beside her. " Look, I get it. Somethings definitely not right, but tearing up your knuckles isn't going to get you anywhere. I know you need to blow off steam and it's better than bailing you out of jail again."

We both laughed.  Good times.

I've always been the one to think before I act, though I have moments. Everyone does.
Taylor, she just goes from zero to a hundred.

"Come on and I'll get your hands wrapped. You're still cleaning the crime scene." Grabbing her by the arm and standing her up.

Taylor rolled her eyes.

Finally, 20 minutes later, both hands cleaned and wrapped. Supplies put away.
Taylor jumped off the counter and side eyed me.
"So, when's the next race little sis?"

I couldnt help but laugh " I'm shooting for tomorrow night. I need 3 other drivers. It's six thousand for the winner."

"Looks like you'll be 6 grand richer."

"Dad said, rule number one, never underestimate your opponent, Tay."

" That's right but he also said, never underestimate YOURSELF." Taylor shrugged and smiled.

Dinner time rolled around after I helped Taylor clean up her mess in the basement, of course. She's my sister.

"You in the mood to cook?"

"Not really. I'd throw hands for some Chinese." Taylor jumped into defense position.

I giggled "You read my mind,sis."

I could tall Taylor was brooding again.
She was back in the basement breaking down and cleaning her Sig 9mm pistol.

I walked up to her. "Hitting the targets while I was at work?"

"I'm just staying sharp. You should be down here with me more." She sighs

" Tell you what, Tay, Sunday we'll have a little competition. I'll even call Marco and see if he wants in on some aromatherapy."

She turned to me with a smirk on her face " Oh, you're on."

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