18 Taylor

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They're walking towards a building with a pay phone setting outside. Daniel picks it up and dials a number.

"Yes, I would like to make a reservation for six...I would like a box of Cuban cigars in the room as well...What time is check in?....Expect us then, thank you."

Taylor leans over towards Daniel. "Was that english?"

"All will be explained,love. Let's find a place to eat first. The food is quite unique here. I think you'll enjoy it"

"Fuck,it's hot here,Daniel."

"Well,darling it's a cozy 110 degrees Fahrenheit."

"Sweet,I'm gonna die." Taylor grumbled .

They walk around and there are several tents set up selling random things and it's interesting to see. There are carts cooking lamb and couscous and it smells amazing.
Daniel calls Taylor over across the street.

"These are called ashak. They're dumplings. د اشک دوه حکمونه"
                 (Two orders of ashak)

An old woman handed them their food.
Taylor took a bite and hummed because it truly was amazing, the lamb so tender.

"Alright everyone we have a reservation to get to. Let's move on"

They  continue walking and stop at a building that looks more like a storage unit. Daniel  swipes his hand on something on the side of the building and hear a click.

"Alright,follow me, quickly."

Going around back and there's a door that opens and they just walk in, the door closed immediately behind.

"I'll be damned, our little boy is all grown up with his own house."

"Ha-ha fuck you,Daniel. It took me almost 8 months to get here."

"You didn't interview for McDonald's, young man. Few get in their first year.

Daniel turns to the side.
"Taylor. This is Bryce, our housekeeper."

Bryce nods to the house guests

"It's really sweet you remember me.
Let me guess, you drew a picture of me in crayon, or what you had left " Bryce retorts

Daniel clears his throat.
"We're on a time limit and I'm not going to listen to your banter. Let's get unpacked and get in touch with Carson.
I already spoke with the sheikh about the situation at hand. He will point us in the right direction."

Bryce nods. "Go through that door, second door on the left. I set you up with an encrypted computer."

Daniel shakes Bryce's hand.
"Very good, son, thank you."

"What does the Sheikh have to do with this and why would he help?"
Taylor asked, baffled.

"The Sheikh and I have...an understanding. I had saved his life several years back and instead of compensation, I am owed a few favors, which are irrelevant in this case because his niece is among those taken. Jamila is 14 and lives up to her name. She is, indeed, a beautiful child and would bring a great deal of money."

Taylor makes a noice of disgust.
"Oh, they fucked up, big time then"

"I need." Daniel nods
Alright, men, kit up. After our return, we all set out to the targets sight and settle in. Zach, I need you to get what you can from Carson while miss Taylor and I are gone."

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