15 Third party POV

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Daniel walks into the basement.
"Alright, here's a ticket for each of you.
We're going in as a civilian news crew, documenting how the war is affecting the Afghanistan people. Here's your press passes, we'll be landing in Kabul so dress accordingly."

Taylor furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
"I don't understand..."

Daniel gives her a soft look.
"We need a cover story,love. The beautiful white girls are always the reporters. We're your crew. When we get off the plane and go through customs. Go to the second cubicle, you give him your passport because he'll already be informed of who you are. When he asks, you say you have nothing to declare."

"It's that simple?" Taylor asks.

Daniel laughes. "Yes. It's not uncommon for reporters covering some story or another in Afghanistan. If I were you I'd start packing. Our flight leaves at 0600, it's a 23 to 24 hour flight. If you need to make arrangements, do it now. If you need to say goodbye to anyone,get to it, our time is short."

Taylor shrugs. "It's just me and Tosha"

Tosha side eyes Taylor. "What about Zaylan, Tay?

"What about him? We're not together and there's no reason to freak him out."
Taylor half yells.

Toasha sighs. "Taylor, you'll regret it if you don't. What if you don't come back?"

"What the fuck are y'all talking about?!"

Everyone turns around.
Zaylan is standing in the doorway, livid.

Tosha face palms.

Taylor stands up slowly.
"Zaylan, how did you get down here?"

Zaylan walks quickly towards Taylor and everyone stands up. Zaylan stops to look around.
"I knocked and no one answered first of all. I come down to see if you're here and walk into all this shit? Yo, somebody better tell me somethin.
Where are you going Taylor and who are all these dudes?"

Zaylan looks Myles up and down."Who the fuck are you?"
Myles walks between Taylor and Daniel.
"You better stand down,son." Hunter,Carson, Daniel, and Zach walk up beside him.

Myles takes a step forward.
"We're not anyone you want to piss off, that's who the fuck we are."

Taylor steps around the guys.
" Zaylan, our mother is alive and we're going Afghanistan to find her. Our plane leaves in the morning."

Zaylan shakes his head.
"I can't believe you'd keep this from me. You could be killed or worse, Taylor. The shit those people do to you would make you beg for death."

"This is not up for debate! The plans are made, the team is set and I'm going to find her."

Zaylan rubs his hands down his face.
"I don't want to lose you. I care too much about you."

Taylor folds her arms. "So now you tell me."


Taylor shakes her head and walks up to Zaylan.
"I care about you too but I have to do this. We'll figure everything out when I come back and I will come back."

Zaylan wraps her in a hug that seems to last forever.
"You betta come back, girl, and when you do, I'm not letting you walk away ever again. I'm in love with you"

Taylor wraps her arms around his neck, embracing the moment with a small smile and a peck on his cheek.
" I'm on love with you too. So wait wor me. I will be back Zay Zay."

Zaylan rolls his eyes. You lucky you're cute."
Taylor laughs. "I know" she says cockily and shrugs. Pulling a laugh out of Zaylan. "Now go, Tash will keep you updated."

"You have my word." Tosha nods.
"Breach her heart and I break your skull" she looks pointedly.

Zaylan shakes his head. "Won't happen."

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