30 Tracy

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Two months ago. Part 2...

I woke up suddenly by a bag being pulled off my head. I look up and if it isn't the crypt keeper himself. I smiled up at the handler that I've been after for over a year. "Ali Ahmad Karzai, iaqad kunt abhath eank"
(I've been looking for you. )

Karzai returns the smile and nods. "It is I, whom you seek. Yet somehow the predator has become the prey. Very bold to come to a land where women mean little and American women even less so."

Really now?
I cock my head to the side. "I should be insulted, or at least act accordingly. However, when it comes to predators, you win, hands down."  I let him see a little amusement in my features.

"Peak my curiosity. Is it impotence that drives you to tear families apart so they can be auctioned off as sex slaves, you pathetic haiwan (animal, Arabic)
"Only cowards prey on the young and weak. All because they, themselves, weak and pathetic!" I spat the words, filled with disgust as I look him up and down.

He backhanded me hard enough to taste the blood.

I barked a sharp, short laugh. "So, I was right. I'm curious though. Is it he little guy that drives you, ?" Letting my eyes wander down for the show.

Karzai goes to smack me again but stops. He looks as though he just realized something. " Now I am the curious one. What about your husband?
I had to make sure my allies order is secured and my best killer was sent in my stead. I'm sorry for your loss, is that the correct sentiment? I promise you he was dead before he hit the kitchen floor.

His smile broadened at the tears forming in my eyes. "You made a big mistake, mother fucker."

Laughing now he grabbed my chin so that I was looking in his eyes. " I see no mistake. It was sadly too simple. We let him have a last meal. Breakfast is most important meal of the day. Of course your agency and your government will not help you. You did not have orders and casualties of war are unavoidable but necessary."

My sweet Tanner. I couldn't stop one, single tear from escaping my eye.
Wait, my girls! He didn't know?
Daniel will search them out when he figures out what happened.

"So, now what genius? You going to kill me now?" My grief and anger fighting for escape.

Karzai shook his finger back and forth. He leaned over so we were face to face.

"No, you, my dear, will live out your short life as a slave until they tire of you. Then you will die."

" I might as well enjoy this while I can"
I brought my head forward on the bridge of his nose, making a satisfying crunch.

Shock came first in his features, then a sinister smile.

"You stupid American bitch. When the time comes, I'll give them special orders to tame that mouth of yours, by all means necessary."

" You won't take me out of this room alive" I taunted with a smirk.

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