11 Third party POV

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Tasha and Taylor were sitting together on the front porch swing in silence.

Taylor looks up to the sky, then to Tasha. " How you holding up, sis?"

" I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything. No matter how much we trained, how much they beat into our heads on how things work, when you're facing it head on it's a completely different story." Tasha sighs.

Taylor considered that for a moment,  trying to find the right words.
" You'd be surprised at what you're capable of when you have no other choice.
Think about it this way. It isn't just about mom anymore. All those children taken from their homes without any understanding of why. God knows what might happen to them by God knows who. They don't deserve that.
Mom was trying to bring them home. Am I scared? No. I'm absolutely terrified. Given everything Daniel has told us I just can't stand by and do nothing. I can promise I will do everything in my power to come home.
I just hope you'll understand and forgive me one day."

Tosha leans back and rubs her hands down her face. " Tay, there's nothing to forgive. I'll always have your back. I'll just be hanging out here or at work losing my mind, no biggie."

Taylor rolls her eyes. " Yes, because THAT makes me feel so much better."

Someone clears their throat and both girls look to the front door.

Daniel is leaning against the doorway.
" The right choice is almost never the easy one. Taylor has a strong team behind her. I chose these men for a reason. Each of us has our own area of expertise and we are very good at what we do. We nail down the plan, we stick to it, we hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Tasha, I will bring Taylor home, on my life."

Tosha side eyes Daniel. " I hope so,Bond, because otherwise you better hope I never see you. My face will be the last thing you see."

Taylor playfully smacks Tosha's arm.

Daniel tisked. " I'm offended. I'm way better looking than Bond."

Taylor looks back up at Daniel. " Carson have any updates?"

Daniel smiled. " Yes, that's what I came to speak with you about. While on his "Intel binge" as he calls it, he picked up heat signatures outside the place they're being held. Two guarding the only door, and two on the roof. No confirmation on the inside on how many are there, if they're there. Now these four he's picked up can't run 24 hour shifts so he's going to keep watching to see if there's a rotation pattern. Now he can only do so much from his computer. I need to see the Sheikh and see what her knows.
We'll learn more when we get there and set up an LPOP, listening post and observation post."

"Wait, you know the sheikh " Taylor eyes wade as saucers"

Daniel wore a slight grin. "As I said, people owe me favors. Nothing ever comes for free, which is why I made sure to never ask."

"That's genius!" Taylor exclaimed.

"I prefer a tactical move. Now it's getting late, let's get to bed. I need everyone clear minded for tomorrow." Daniel sighs.

" Good night everyone "

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