19 Third party POV

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Tasha wakes to a knock on her door.
She looks at her watch and it's 0500.
Groaning she flips the covers back and makes her way over and opens the door.
"This better be good or I might shoot you."

Carson raises his eyebrows.
"Just thought you'd like to know they made it through customs and are at a safe house."

"Thank God. What now? What's the plan?

" Daniel is arranging a meeting with the sheikh. He's hoping to make a deal to get information on the wranglers."

"I thought these guys and Americans aren't exactly frends." Tosha blows out a breath.

"You'd be surprised. They hate the bad guys as much as we do. The man Daniel is meeting with has worked with us before, well, Daniel specifically. There's a good chance he can help. He's a powerful man, if there's anyone who might know, it'll be him."

"How does it work? He just knocks on the guy's door or what?"

"It depends, in Daniel's case, since he's worked with him in the past it will be him and most likely Daniel will be paying him a visit. Now, usually there's a price to pay for information, nothing is free, and he has his boys to do his wet work if he's so much as vexed.
The sheikh is a good man and cares for his people. Daniel already had a meeting arranged prior to leaving here."

"Well, that's good news. Now, since you woke me up, you're making breakfast."

"Hey, I'm just the IT guy"

"Well, you need to step away from the computer anyway because your eyes need a rest before your mind starts playing tricks. " Toasha gives a pointed looking look.

Carson rolled his eyes and went down to the kitchen.
Tosha took a shower and came downstairs to bacon, eggs, and toast.

"Damn, Carson, you'll make a good wife one day. Seriously thank you,though."

She caught Carson compromised. A faint blush in his features.

After breakfast Tosha cleared the table and did the dishes while Carson checked for any updates.

Tasha's eyes lit up with an idea.
"Hey Carson, it's Saturday so I'm off. How about we hit some targets?"

Carson yelled downstairs "You're on!"

They went downstairs and set up the paper targets and put the protective gear on. Tosha looks over at Carson.

"Glock 17?"

"Yeah, pretty isn't she?"

"The 19 fits my hands better."

"Still a good choice. Let's see who's the better shot." Carson grinning.

They both had similar stances. They fired one mag each and brought the targets in to compare.

"I gotta give it to you, Tosha, you're pretty close." Carson high-fived her.

"Thanks, Carson...Shit, I have to call Zaylan, I forgot."

"Go ahead, I'll clean up."

Carson walks upstairs to get a bottle of water as Tosha hung up with Zaylan.

"Carson, is that water?" Her face a mask of mock horror.

"Hey, my liver and kidneys needed a break sometimes. So how's he holding up?"

"He's so dramatic sometimes. I had to promise to call him back the minute I get any news." Tosha runs her hands through her hair. Grinning ear to ear with an idea.

"Wanna go for a ride in a real car?"

"Oh, God, please bring me safely back"

Tosha laughs." I just need a break and being behind the wheel gives me a sense of control and I can forget about the things I cant, even if it's for a little while."

Carson nods. " Let's cruise,then"

"Alright, just don't scream. Both of us screaming makes me nervous." Tasha laughs

"Oh...shit" Carson buckles up and holds tight to the door handle, which makes Tasha laugh harder.

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