7 Tasha

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Taylor gave me the look. I know that look and I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Daniel, we have to find her.

Daniel shook his head. " Listen, you were trained well, but going into Afghanistan to search for your mother is asking for death. It would take months to prepare. Not to mention one small detail. You're lacking a badge."

Taylor laughed humorously.
" Fine. You either cram months of training and preparation in me in one week or I'll go alone. I'm getting mom back with your help or without it."

They stared at each other, neither one willing to look away.
There's no way Daniel will go for that.

For once in her life, Taylor looked down. "Daniel, I'm doing this either way but without your guidance, you're right, I won't make it out even when I find her."

He lifted Taylor's chin to face him.
" You do exactly as I say, do not deviate. You even think about going rogue on me I drag your ass back here and cuff you to the bathroom sink, you got it?"

Taylor, with a look of determination. 
" Let's get this party started."

At this point I just saw red. I swung at Daniel. He barely ducked down in time. This mother fucker can't be serious.
I spun around and swung again and he caught my wrist. I swung again and he took that wrist to jerk me forward and spun me around and pulled my arm up behind my back.

" No! How can you even consider this? She's all I have, you son of a bitch!" I growled at him.

Taylor squeezed between me and Daniel and he let go.

"Tash, I have to do this. This is why I've been training so hard. I was hoping, no I knew there was a chance she was still alive. The longer we wait, the less chance we have to find her. I can bring her home.  I really need you now to be on my side on this."

I shook my head, completely exasperated. Is she for real right now?
How am I supposed to be okay with this? I'm supposed to have her back no matter what. We made that deal with our parents a long time ago.

" I can't believe I'm even considering this, Taylor. We've never been apart and to let you go into hostile territory?
I... I don't know. This is life and death shit. I've lost half my family and you're asking me to be okay with risking your life too." I spun on my heal, running my hands in my hair, and bringing pacing.

Daniel put a hand on Taylor's shoulder.
" Let's get started. I need to know what level you're at before I can train. Give your sister some space."

Taylor took one sad look at the me and followed Daniel to the basement.

I walked upstairs to my room and splashed some water on my face, at my bathroom sink. So much thrown at us in the last 24 hours. It felt like the air was being sucked out of my lungs.

Can I let her go?

A/N This has been an interesting story for me. I hope I'm not going overboard with the bad ass female thing.

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