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Two months ago...

"Target holding 20 males, ages 18-7,and 32 females, ages 20-5.
They're being held in a bunker 6 hours away from the Afghanistan/Pakistani line.
There is a makeshift building they're moving to in approximately 47 days.
From there they will be held until the Afghani wranglers, who works under Ali Ahmad Karzai, come to a monetary agreement and the children will be sold to the wranglers in Pakistan who work under Habib Hussain Awan.
Awan then hold auctions and sells to the highest bidder.
The money is taken back to Karzai, who will pay the wranglers for their job.
It is unknown how many guards will be running the facility on the border at this time."  I close my satellite computer and set it on the table of the safe house.
I lower my head rub my eyes, trying to stay awake until Agent Jackson gets back.
One more mission. One more and I'm out. I've been doing this job for too long. Sand, gunfire, and blood.
I'm over it and with the girls graduation coming up, I hope I'm back in time.
Missed birthdays, milestones, anniversaries. Retirement sounding better every day. Already put in to the shirts and approved.

I hear two knocks, one knock, followed by four. Our code for friendlies.
As I open the door I say, "Thank you, God, I'm starving."

I see Jackson's face and my stomach drops. We've been compromised. Shit!
He pushed Jackson into the room, followed by one more and force in to our knees. One handcuffs my hands to my front.
Wrong move, pal.
I sit with a calmness and blank expression until I know exactly what's going on before I make my move.

"Your partner is not to smart. I pick him out of a group of Americans very easy. He looks up around too much, too nosey, as your people say. So I waited until he was alone and... persuaded him to bring us here.
American women can be very beautiful, but you with your child-like face. Your bright blue eyes, hair like snow, and those lips... You would bring good money to my boss."

I can't help but roll my eyes. If I can incite him to put hands on me, I can take him out and put one in the forehead of the man pointing his AK  at Jackson's head. He's too cocky. He's not even paying attention to everyone in the room. He's just smiling at Jackson.
From the looks of Jackson he has a broken nose and the way he holds his right side, most likely some broken ribs.
I train my eyes back on AK number two's face. "Thanks but I'm not interested. As you can see, I already have a job, hunting down haiwan like you sick fucks.
Do you really think just the two of you will take us alive?" I laugh and shake my head. "Well, good luck with that, I guess."

His face turns to a mask of anger and I see his jaw flex. Come on big guy, I have shit to do here.

"Ali! Aqtalh!"
The man fires, sending Jackson flat on his back. "No! Jackson! Jackson! You motherfuckers!" I can't breathe. This is my first mission I lost a man.
He was young but so full of potential, that's why the CIA sent him with me and I just got him killed. How could I be so stupid?
I feel the tears brining my eyes.

AK two grins and I lunge at him.
I kick his gun and it skids across the room. I jump up and put my arms over his head and I twist the chain on the cuffs. I see movement on my right and the next thing I know, lights out.

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