20 Third party POV

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Third party perspective...

"Taylor, you and I will be paying a visit to the Shiekh to see if he has any, or can gather some information on the trafficking. Please, let me do the talking unless he speaks to you, specifically."

"Do you think this will work? Americans aren't exactly the top of their BFF list"

"Trust me, darling, if anyone knows, he will."


Daniel and Taylor arrive. Daniel straitens his posture as he approaches the sheikh.

"Marahaba" (Welcome)

"shkran lak" Daniel replies (Thank you)

They embrace in a short hug, clapping each other on the back.

"It has been a long time, my American friend."

"Indeed it has. Too long. Unfortunately this is not a social visit, sadly."

The Shiekh laughs. " I am aware of why you are here. Many children have disappeared, my niece is among them."

"I'm very sorry, old friend. One of my associates as well. May I introduce her daughter, Taylor."

The Shiekh gives him a pointed look.
" My friend, this is no place for her to be. This is a great danger."

"You know nothing about me or what I'm capable of. I came to find my mother and bring her home and no one will get in my way!" Taylor growled

"Taylor, I specifically..."

"I take no offense, if it was my own mother I would feel the same." The Shiekh speaking to Daniel but looking over Taylor.

"You American women are something novel to me. Please accept my apologies." The Sheikh nodded to Taylor.

Taylor, a face of shock, nodding back. " Of course, I meant none to you. I just want my mother back and the children to be freed. Maybe a bullet or 30 for compassion and guarantee your people's children's safety."

The Sheikh clapped his hands and laughed. " If it were an acceptable thing, I would hire you as a personal bodyguard."

"I'll take that as a compliment." She smiled

"As what is it you seek from me, my friend?"

"I have located where they are being kept, on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. I have a team here to take them out before the transfer across borders. Do you have any information of who they are?"

"I have an idea. This is not the first time they have taken our women and children. I can find this information for you but I ask two things in return.
I want the children brought to me so I may return them safely to their families."

"And the other request?" Daniel asks

The Shiekh narrows his eyes.
"I want the leader brought to me, alive."

Daniel bows his head.
"You have my word."

"Return to me in one days time. I will have the information you require."

Daniel bows. " mae alsalama"

The Shiekh raises his right hand. "Goodbye to you, my friend and female warrior."

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