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Waiting has always been the hardest part of the job. Not knowing when the actual trade is taking place. Wondering how many wranglers will be with the buyer and praying we have enough manpower to pull it off and avoid any civilian casualties. There is always a fifty-fifty chance.
We've been lucky since we've been trying to shut down trafficking for good. However, it seems when we take one ring, another was surely to follow not long after.
Three years ago when we were given a mission after the last team failed. Not only did they lose two men, they also had 6 civilian casualties and they got away with the other 21.
We lost one of the team members when he took his life less than a week after returning home, becoming one of the 22. The other three, through intense therapy after that. One walked as soon as his contract was up, the other two who stayed were Myles and Hunter.

After Karzai left, almost an hour later, we took shifts to watch the wranglers and each other. Three awake, three asleep. Six hour intervals.
Looking down at my goddaughter, my heart aches. Their family has been through so much, more so than anyone I know. She's awe inspiring. Formidable to say the least. This is the first time I've been afraid. Fear and guilt. I hope I made the right decision bringing her here, she would have found a way and at least I can do my best to protect her if she's with me.
There are three outcomes, two I can deal with and one that I may not walk away from.
1. We take them out, find Tracy, kill every single one of these sons of bitches, and get these children back in their beds.
2. Mostly the same outcome but without Tracy. The girls will at least have some closure and I would retire to be with them.
3. Again, the same outcome but minus both Tracy and Taylor. I refuse to think how I would handle it, much less Tasha.
I'll just have to make sure there is no third option. On my life.

A/N I've finally started to feel like me again with the new meds for my complex PTSD. Complex PTSD is a newer term for people who have experienced multiple traumatic events, over a long period of time.
In my case 20 years.
If you know someone who is struggling or you, yourself are struggling, I implore you to get help.You matter and if someone reads this thinking no one cares, I do.
This crisis line is call or text. Dial 988.
With love, Mia💚

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