14 Third Party POV

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With little time left, Daniel called everyone down to the basement to brief everyone and come up with a way to get in and get everyone out safely.

Daniel clears his throat.
" Alright, now that we have the location, it's time to devise a strategy. I want everything clean. In and out and no one the wiser. We'll need everyone in position with Coms and stake it out.
We need to find their pattern. Shift changes, how heavy the security, everything they do, we want to know about."

Carson stood up to speak.
"According to the Intel there are two at the only entrance, and two on the roof.
12 hour shifts, 0600 to 1800 they swap guards. Also every morning one other, I'm assuming is the leader of the operation, comes in and speaks to the guards, then goes inside for about 15 minutes or so. He comes in from 0800 to 0900. Now keep in mind. I haven't seen anyone else in or out of the building, that doesn't mean there aren't any guards inside."

Daniel raised an eyebrow.

"That's a start. When we arrive I want everyone in place and staking out the area.
This has to be precise, one mistake and we could be killed and quite possibly the ones held inside. So Hunter and Myles, you'll find a good spot and get in ready to strike on my orders.
Carson, obviously you stay here and be our eyes. If you see anything moving in, you let us know.
As long as they've been held already, there's a good chance they could move everyone out for transfer soon. Time is of the essence. We must be prepared for many scenarios. Cason, keep us updated on any changes in there pattern. "

"Taylor obviously you're with Zach and I. Gentlemen, you know the drill."

Hunter and Myles high five each other.

Myles with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Just like North Africa and Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan...."

Hunter shushes him.

"Damn, dude, calm down. Why must I always be the adult? What are you,12?"

Myles put his thumb in his mouth
"And a half.. "

Daniel rubs his hand down his face and shakes his head.

"Men, can you keep it together and pay attention?

Hunter and Myles spoke at the same time.

"Yes, mother."

Daniel pulled at his tie as if he was suffocating and sighs.

"Hunter and Myles, you will camp out to watch how they work. They're professionals so they will have a routine and their own strategies in place.
Taylor, Zack, and I will be doing the same. We'll be communicating with Carson as well as each other. Taylor, Zack, and I will be team 1. Myles and Hunter, you're team 2.That is our check in code. Pack it up."

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