12 Third party POV

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Tasha and Taylor walk into the kitchen, finding the men sitting around the table laughing.

Tosha pours two cups of coffee and hands one to Taylor.

" What are girls giggling about? We heard you all the way upstairs."

Hunter, trying to compose himself.
" Just a little reminiscing. The first time I met Myles I told him we had to make a quick run and I needed him to get the keys to the humvee. Took him 2 hours and asking several others where they were kept for him to figure it out.
Damn,that boy was hot when he got back." A fit of laughter erupted from the group.

Myles shakes his head. "Man, fuck you guys. I got shit about that for a month."

Daniel goes for a refill. "Girls, did your dad ever tell you about your mother's pregnancy cravings?

They girls just looked at each other,then back to Daniel.

Daniel smiled. " Well, one particular day  your mother was about four months along by then and she was already not adjusting well to her new desk job until you born. She had quite the temper and threatened to put bullet through your father's foot if he didn't bring her some Taco Bell burritos and a pint of mint chip ice-cream. Needless to say it was a long four months before the doctors decided to schedule a C- section.
That poor man had a rough go."

Myles laughed " That's why I stick to being a sniper."

Hunter whispered loudly "Sissy"

Tosha sat her coffee down. "So none of you have families?"

Myles spoke up first.  " In our line of work,  it's just easier this way so we can focus on the job. There's always strippers when we get down time."
He Wiggles his eyebrows

Tosha turns to Taylor frowning.
"That reminds me. Tay, have you talked to Zaylan about any of this?"

Taylor turns to face her sister fully.
" Honestly I don't see any reason to. It's not like we're together. Besides there's nothing he can say or do to change my mind. I made my feelings clear to him and I'm not going to pick apart the mixed signals."

Tosha sighs. " Taylor he's going to figure out pretty quick you popped smoke. He's going to come to me with questions I'll have no idea how to answer."

Taylor shrugged. " Tell him I needed to get away and that it was something I just had to do and I'll explain when I get back."

Myles huff-laughed. " Not vague at all.
However I think we all had to have that conversation with someone at some point. Just be prepared for the consequences. This life can go one of two ways. It will bring you closer together or it will tear it all apart."

"I'll worry about it mom is home and those kids are back with their families.
It's what mom started and I have every intention to finish it. Consequences be damned. They come first." Taylor explained.

"You'd make a good agent." Daniel spoke up.

"I don't know about that. We'll see how things mission goes. You never know."

Tasha looks to Taylor. "Good luck getting mom on board with that." They both laughed.

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