season two.

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In the glittering aftermath of "Did John B and Sarah really die, or did they just need a dramatic vacation?" the Pogues find themselves knee-deep in a mess that makes their previous escapades look like a stroll on the beach, which, incidentally, is exactly where they are.

Back on the trail of the elusive $400 million, our ragtag group of misfit treasure hunters faces a new set of challenges. And by challenges, we mean more awkward encounters with angry Kooks, suspiciously hidden maps, and the inevitable drama that comes with the start of a new school year.

As John B and Sarah navigate the treacherous waters of being declared dead, the stakes at home escalate faster than JJ's attempts at cracking a code. And just when they thought their lives couldn't get more complicated, mysterious family members started popping out of the woodwork like seagulls eyeing a dropped sandwich.

Amid the chaos, the real question on everyone's mind is: Will the Pogues ever get their act together long enough to uncover the next clue? And what about that kiss between JJ and Laia that everyone conveniently forgot about? Did it happen in an alternate universe, or is it just another treasure buried in the sands of teenage drama?

Get ready for an adventure packed with more twists and more family secrets than a soap opera. Because when you're chasing tears of gold, you can bet your doubloons that nothing is as it seems, and the only way out is through a storm of sarcastic remarks and a healthy dose of teenage angst.

Only time will tell in this tale of tears, gold, and the occasional algebra test and family drama.

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⋄෴⋄ Maia Mitchell as LAIA ROUTLEDGE ⋄෴⋄

⋄෴⋄ Maia Mitchell as LAIA ROUTLEDGE ⋄෴⋄

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