The accident.

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-trigger warning- violence-

*Chrissy Wake Up - The Gregory Brothers*
You roll over and reach out for your phone which is on your nightstand to silence  your alarm clock. Today is a big day for you, it's your first rehearsal for this year's Howl O Scream SeaWorld event! You were so excited to have been cast as a Scare actor again this year. You get out of bed and take a quick shower before putting on some bicycle shorts and a black band T-shirt.

You are not the most conventionally beautiful woman on earth but with a little make up and a little confidence you are satisfied with how you look. You go out to the kitchen to start getting ready for the day's events. You don't know which scare zone you will be in this year or who your cast mates will be, but you are still excited, as this has been your fun job for a few years and second time with this specific event.  You are hoping that your friend from last year will be in the same zone as you.

Karabear: hey girly! Did you still want to carpool tonight?

Y/n: of course. I'm leaving my place now; I'll be by in 20! See you in the fog!

With that quick exchange you are out the door on your way to pick up Kara. She lives on your way to Seaworld and since parking was a nightmare last year you decided it was a better idea to save on gas and carpool. After picking up Kara it's only another 10 min to Seaworld and once you arrive you are split off onto separate groups, you are in zone 4 and Kara is in the chainsaw hoard.

You have always been a little shy and awkward around new people, but you see a quiet guy sitting at the table alone and you decide to join him.

"Hello, I'm y/n! Are you in zone 4 also?" You say as you approach the table. He looks up at you, almost as if he is in shock that you are speaking with him. "Umm.. yes.. I'm in zone 4, I'm Eric." He says quickly and quietly. You sit with him and talk for a little while before your stage manager comes out and gives you your character assignments for the year. You are in the campground/werewolf zone this year, which is the one you wanted. You met the rest of the cast you will be working with, and everyone seems nice to you, but you notice that no one really talks with Eric. In fact, you notice that people are avoiding him which you thought was strange since you had a nice little chat with him earlier.

You get dismissed from your rehearsal and the next shift you have will be opening night!


You arrive in costuming to get ready for the day and you see all of your cast mates are full of energy and excited for the night ahead! Opening night jitters have gotten to everyone! While you look for your costume you notice that Eric's is hanging right next to yours, but you haven't seen him yet tonight. After getting dressed and getting your make up done, which consisted of tons of fake blood as you were playing a victim, you head over to set to stretch and get into character.

The night is going great! Media is in the park filming tons of footage for the news and their vlogs! It's now 11:45 and you are getting ready to go out for your third set! You are doing your thing running up to guests screaming about the monsters that attacked when you see a familiar face in the crowd of guests. This guest looks a lot like Eric, but he isn't in costume. He is walking towards you, so you go up to him to play up your part when all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain in your gut. You look into Eric's eyes, and they are black, almost like he isn't in there. You break eye contact and look down to see his hand holding the knife that is now inside of your gut. "I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be you..." he says as he pulls the knife out and puts up his hood before running like hell out of there.

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